My friend pulled an all-time low

May 30, 2004
Reaction score
The South
He doused a Bible in kerosene and lit it on fire (I was on the phone with another friend who was yelling at him for getting "bible flakes everywhere"). I'm going to knee this faggot in the balls when I see him at school on tuesday. I'm accepting of people's beliefs and I don't mind if you aren't baptist (I like a challenge >:)) but you fucking cross the line when you practice your right of free speech by doing that. a wise man once said "you can practice your right of free speech by punching the air as long as you want, until someone comes to close, then your right of free speech stops where his rights begin."

I don't care if you think the bible is shit (well...maybe I do) but you have no goddamn right to tell me you burn it because it's cool.
sucks when u know shit all about religion. is that bad? its a book
it's what I live by and nothing is more than a punch in the face to me than burning what I believe in. It's a hell of a lot more than "a book" stup. Book burning is so stupid. You know the best way to express how you feel about a book if you don't like it? don't read it
You know the best way to express how you feel about a book if you don't like it? don't read it


nowaday, i see alot of HS kids throw the book that teachers gave to them like TAKS practice, SAT practice, you know, some books that given to you that can be yours, im mean wtf? the teacher gave em the book and they was like *tear the book* "not those again, lets throw it in the trash can guys".

now if your are the administrator, and seeing a student throw the book in the trash right in the face, how would you feel about? especially The Bible, some of you dont believe in God but you have to respect something and someone really care about.
I'm confused, are you religious (god believer) or not?

Anyways, let them do what they want. I'm not siding with them, but honestly it's their choice, their opinion, you can't stop that. Nor are they really going to care if you get pissed. I understand where your coming from, but it's their choice, can't stop that.
It's a book, its words. Its what you believe that counts, not something that's material.
I guess eye-for-an-eye justice with atheists.....yes akai baptists are god-believers.'s a symbol...I'm not saying that one book he burned was the ruin of existence, but the idea that he would burn it without probable cause or conscience as to what his friend's would think of him.
in response to akai post below me: sorry I didn't clarify that in my first post. yes I am :P
I know baptists are god believers..I used to be baptist. I didn't know if you were baptist or atheist. Couldn't tell.
If he wants to burn it, let him its his choice not yours. You knee him, i'll be laughing when he knees you in the face.
My mates did it in secondary school when we all got a bible each.
And your making it a big deal and hes meant to be your mate? and your going to knee your mate? hmmm he'll sure be your mate afterwads!!!
I would like to direct you to the post I just made in the "Debate" section in the thread called "what happens when you die?" - I think you've just proved my point, and I didn't even have to look that far.

You're one of the people that I really don't like - you take everything as a personal affront to you. Why can't he set something on fire if he wants to - so what it is against your personal beliefs, and you base your life on it, it is his choice (although burning ANY book is wrong, unless you have a good reason). I very much doubt you would be annoyed at him if he started burning a Labour Manifesto (replace Labour with what, if any, political party you believe in), or if he burned the English Dictionary - I very much doubt you would kick him in the balls for burning that. This is another example of how people get all hot and bothered over religion, and there is absolutely no excuse for it. He may have done something that you don't think is right, but that gives you absolutely no excuse to go and attack him - you should just let it go, and stop being so serious.

Although I wouldn't burn a bible, that isn't because it's a holy book (if anything that would make me want to burn it more because it's full of things that have ruined the world, or at least made it a much worse place to live in) I wouldn't burn it because I'm not a raving lunatic, and I don't go around burning books. If I did then the first one I would burn would be the bible, no question about it, but that is my choice, not somebody elses.

Next time you feel someone infringing on your "religious beliefs" just ignore them, and be the "bigger man" and do nothing. If you want to believe in something that is so obviously garbage then that's up to you, but personally I'd rather believe in something that is true.

honestly who cares... you belive one thing.. and he belives another... you disagreeing with his theory of religion may seem to him just as bad as burning a bible... the worl is filled of hate and no acceptance... but there is nothing we can do about it.. (sorry im a bit drunk)
I'd burn the bible because it's "cool" :D. <3 gk

and I'll record it and put it on youtube because it's "cool", lol wtf who uses that excuse to do something? more like "because it's funny, I want to, Because I can" lol If someone burnt the Australian flag I'd care more about that then the bible been burnt.
I remember this new kid from school about a year ago.
Well one day, we had this assembly (we have them every week) and in came a guest from the Christian Societ of Wales (something like that) and the guest was saying how there's going to be a big party at the leisure centre (I think it was like a promotional idea).

Well, the new kid (wanting to fit in) when he left the assembly hall and into class he says "Im going go to the party just to set the bible on fire"...
Everyone looked at him and thought "You ass -.-".

Why do people feel they have to do something "cool" to be "in"? =/
Why can't they just be themselves =/

It's not about what he burned, but why. You wouldn't be mad at him if you heard he had accidentally burnt a bible among something else when he was emptying shelves from junk. But knowing he burned it just to state how much he disagrees with you is what annoys you. In the end, is it any bigger a deal than if he had began an endless argument about religion with you? IMO burning a book is far beside the point here.
Why do people feel they have to do something "cool" to be "in"? =/
Why can't they just be themselves =/
You know why.
Why do people feel they have to do something "cool" to be "in"? =/
Why can't they just be themselves =/


Well, people THINK they need to do something "Cool" to appease social groupings of people just to avoid possible alienation, even if alienation hasn't yet presented itself, as a result of such. People do things totally out of the norm just to get accepted into some type of social group. Kind of stupid, but people do it ALL the time.
If you had a IQ more then your shoe size, doubt you'd type that. How is burning a book he didn't even write his choice? The least he could have done was just given it to someone else? Or just NOT READ IT, but burning it is pathetic.
If he wants to burn it, let him its his choice not yours. You knee him, i'll be laughing when he knees you in the face.
My mates did it in secondary school when we all got a bible each.
And your making it a big deal and hes meant to be your mate? and your going to knee your mate? hmmm he'll sure be your mate afterwads!!!

If you had a IQ more then your shoe size, doubt you'd type that. How is burning a book he didn't even write his choice? The least he could have done was just given it to someone else? Or just NOT READ IT, but burning it is patheti