my navicat is trial!wat can i do??

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
my navicat downloaded from here is trail version . after 30days , wat can i do ? i heard ppl say can delete the registry so tat it will forever can be use . So any1 know how to delete the registry ? or any solution to solve tis problem ? dont call me use other program other than navicat pls , i dont know use others since the guide only teach navicat. T^T pls pls help
registry - I aint a clue. But A GM will post soon saying what to do. My trial ended so i cant access navicat until i remove the registries when i know What and WHERE they are
Mj, any other method is also illegal -.-.

infact, a emo server is illegal, as it burns their profits, because others can play it for free. so it really doesn't matter...
Mj, any other method is also illegal -.-.

infact, a emo server is illegal, as it burns their profits, because others can play it for free. so it really doesn't matter...

A emulation server is a (Reverse engineered server)
The only possible way to be illegal is if you make people pay.
That is illegal
1) OSRoseon = Open Source, Free
2) Navicat = Copyrighted
3) Rose Online = Copyrighted, The server is not copyrighted, The clients are, Basicly by modifying your client to connect to another server is illegal not providing a free service.

But no, You'd find this on google anyways, Why ask here?
I suggest you just buy it, it is a powerful program to use, and unless you can do anything about ending the trial, I suggest you just buy it. I've bought it, and it has been a great use, not only for the games, but for things like forums and other material like that.

use simmiliar tools

MySQL Control Center

chabuchabu - my navicat is trial!wat can i do?? - RaGEZONE Forums

download :

my suggest :
start learning use phpmyadmin, because many people using this
ex : webhosting
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