my new sig,

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
canada,Ont, NB
lol, im still very noob at photoshop, i dont even know what stuff like renders are, yet, lol.. anyways, this is basically a tribute to my child hood hero =}

e-x-o - my new sig, - RaGEZONE Forums
Sorry but that made me laugh really hard xD Keep trying dude ;)
Scrat its not that we dont like it, but its hard for beginners to start with and that makes it look ''noobish'' im sure this guy wil turn out fine cause he made me laugh ^^
a render in a sig is the picture you use that revolves around it. It's kind of like the main centerpiece in a picture.
yea well we all have need for improvement as long as you progress when you make more sigs you'll be fine :). as always tutorials are your friends and most importantly looking at all tutorials not just the ones you think are cool. combination is the key!
as for your sig....well it's elementary but there's plenty of room for improvement!
wtf? lol, try to use some tut on the net
lol, this wasent my first try, this was just a tribute i tried to make.. seems no1 likes it..

my first try was this..

e-x-o - my new sig, - RaGEZONE Forums

1 of my old character for the game conquer online:P
still no improvement, try to look @ some phptoshop tut on the net and you will make a sig that everyone will like
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