My pic

kk its easy to check if is really her.

Rachel just take a full nude gallery n post it here so we know u took those pics specially 4 us with luv ^^
-Stri- said:
Look ill do the manly thing, ill take the bullet....leave her to me, ill be ok :p

thats awefully brave of you my friend, just remember im here for emotional support.....
and whipped cream of course. :D

Tilk said:
kk its easy to check if is really her.

Rachel just take a full nude gallery n post it here so we know u took those pics specially 4 us with luv ^^

Excellent idea, its scientific its logical, it surves more than one purpose :cool: :cool:
has anyone realised that's a PERSON yet though? not just some piece of meat :rolleyes:
Shes one of my best online friends...... And ive chatted with her friend as well. So no there not just sexy on the outside.... There also sexy on the inside. Rachel has a GREAT personality. And her friend (from what i talked with her) is great at as well :).

Im not shalow enough to judge everything on looks....... Unless its as good looking as in the *drools* thread :p.
