• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

My Realmloop Problem

Mar 9, 2007
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I have a home network between two computers. There is no internet connection on either. Server IP is, laptop IP is

Now, I have installed WAMP (MySQL/Apache/PHP) and the MangOS Burning Crusade 2.0.8 server. Everything works fine with the server. Evcept, of course, I have a realmloop.

Now, first and foremost I need to be able to connect from localhost, right? I have the MangOS .conf files setup correctly with my MySQL username and password, and, and Mangos_bc and realmd_bc as the database names.

In the Windows HOSTS file (somewhere in System32), I have " WoWServer" on both computers. I didn't mess with the " localhost" entry.

Now, in realmlist, I have "set realmlist".


Sooo... What am I doing wrong? I can't connect to the server from the same computer, let along over my LAN network!

This seems to be a big problem, and I haven't seen any explanation on the forum here. What IS going on when you're stuck in a Realmloop? Is the database not filled out properly?

Remember, I'm not connected to the internet at all. I just need to fix the realmloop between the server and the client on my LAN and on LOCALHOST!

Any help would be appreciated. :drinks_no

EDIT: Oh, and I went to the trouble of digging up a backup copy of the 2.0.8 TBC client, just to see if it would work. No luck there. (I'm back to 2.0.10 now)
i am getting soooo tired of this answer...
why I even bother to ask....

No offense or anything, but that's not helpful in the least.

I'm not on the internet.

No internet = No DNS

Now, I stated very clearly above that my mangos server is not connected to the internet in any way. So how would that help me?

Are you trying to tell me, in a roundabout and convoluted way, that there is no way to get MangOS to work without an internet connection?

I am not trying to flame, insult, annoy, or troll,.. But seriously, you can never answer a question that you haven't taken the time to read. :scratch:
Actually, that post does help. A lot.

Assuming by the obvious stupididty expressed in your seccond post, you haven't setup some kind of weird and wonderful network yourself, you must be using an ADSL/Cable modem with DHCP enabled to assign your ip's... I'll bet pounds to peanuts that has its own DNS server JUST FOR YOUR LAN. Test it, go to one box, open IE or even an explorer window, type in \\computername (coputername being the name of either box on your lan) and i'll bet you see whatever files are shared on that box... how? DNS. Alternatively, Start > Run > Cmd then 'Ping computername' and you'll see the dns in action.

However, despite your premature post about this not helping, in my case, it didn't.

What I ended up having to do, was open up realmd_bc.sql in notepad, and do a replace of all instances of '' with '' (the seccond ip is obviously the ip of the server box, in your case, replace with and then re-import the realmd_bc into your MySQL database.

BTW, i just got out of bed, so excuse any minor errors... lol
My LAN setup is as follows: Two computers, connected via a router. No modem. No internet. No WAN. No DDNS.
Hmmm.. In the "use DNS" article, all of the methods of finding your DNS server(Traceroute, Ping, Domain Name Server (DNS) Lookup, WHOIS, and DNS Records Lookup) require internet access. Tracert, of course, reports that my two computers are communicating directly, with no intermediate stops. Well, who didn't know that? (Oh, and "tracert" returns the same thing as "tracert WoWServer". So yeah, DNS.)

...Although, my router config page has a field for "local domain name"... Which I assume is for some sort of internal DNS? Is that what you're getting at? It says "belkin", which also appears under "connection-specific DNS suffix" when I do an IPCONFIG...

Well, if that's the case, that my wireless router is handling DNS (which makes sense to me, now), does that mean that my DNS address is something like "WoWServer.Belkin" or something? Or is this whole DNS thing irrelevant now that I have finally made it clear that I'm not connected to a real, live, internet-based DNS server??

So many questions... I'll run through this list, you tell me what's wrong:

1) Install MySQL on the server (
2) Replace every "" in realmd_bc with "" (You mean EVERY instance of!)
2) Import mangos_bc and realmd_bc (edited) from Mangos folder.
3) Edit mangosd.conf and realmd.conf to and replace a line or two with "LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;USERNAME;PASSWORD;realmd_bc" and "WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;USERNAME;PASSWORD;mangos_bc" ( Should that be
4) Edit HOSTS to include: " WoWServer" on BOTH the client and server. (Do I need it on the client? I thought I read that somewhere...)
5) Run mangos_bc.exe (which has given me errors a few times... about SQL sections in reamld_bc being empty. Specifically in the section which tells the number of characters on each server. But that SHOULD be empty since I don't have any characters created yet... >_>)
6) Edit realmlist to point to ""

Well, I think my main problem is knowing when to use or

And anyway, thanks for putting up with me and my... apparent lack of knowledge. :sweatdrop
1) good.
2) yes, every one.
3) Not entirely sure if will work, but i'd use just to be sure.
4) Yes, add that to both.
5) I haven't had that error, but yea, I suppose it should be empty...
6) Yes.
7) Dont forget to run realmd.exe also, before you try to connect. And for future reference, when you want to start your server, just run MaNGOS.exe

Other things that could be worth mentioning, Firewalls? especially on your server. Port forwarding? did you set it up for the required ports? (3724, 8085 I think, from memory)
No firewalls, I've disabled them all. But.. is port forwarding required between computers on the same LAN? I mean, isn't port forwarding to forward ports on your WAN to a specific computer on the LAN?

Oh, and I've been running realmd.exe as my server... I suppose mandos.exe does something important as well as starting the server...

Also, would connecting a 2.0.10 client to a 2.0.8 server emulator work? I should probably get 2.0.10 anyways...

No internet = No DNS

Well...this remarks clearly points out you did not understand anything about the topic....ALL TCP IP'S (CAN) HAVE DNS, unless you pull the cable out!!!

If you can't reach a DNS server, use the file called hosts (clearly mentioned in topic)
Well...this remarks clearly points out you did not understand anything about the topic....ALL TCP IP'S (CAN) HAVE DNS, unless you pull the cable out!!!

If you can't reach a DNS server, use the file called hosts (clearly mentioned in topic)

Oh don't worry, I understand that now and understand that the thread you linked to actually can help me.

But then... I shouldn't be using "set realmlist" after all, I should be using "set realmlist WoWServer"... Am I right?