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My Rose is offline pvt server how?

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
well i followed the guide but when i change my ip to my wan ip it didnt connect and say that there is a maintainence.
im from malaysia and using a internet provider called Streamyx. My Ip is not a fixed ip but a dynamic ip, so i used NO-IP ( ) this software to solve this problem. but i still couldnt connect to server, plz help as soon as possible...
Ok I don't know if you are using a router or not if so use the whole guide if not just use the part concerning your computer what it does is it will give you a stable IP address since most people set there computer ups to automaticly abtain and IP address. This will set your IP to just 1 IP addressd that well reamain the same all the time.


I hope this works for you. If you want proof it works click here my website and servers both run off of it.

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