• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

My song i wrote -Insane to the Brain

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
The Land of Fin
I thought since so many people have been writing song lyrics here of late, id write a song of my own, its about how fucking someone over and bullying them too much changes their mentality to insanity........

Lemme know what you think.

Song Title: Insane to the Brain

Verse 1
The worlds fucked me over, I
nice rymes rage!!!!! lots of rymes on the forums these days :)