MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 12, 2008
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Well, now that Titan v.0.2.0 is out, I don't think I'll have time for this anymore.

Made with Visual basic lolz is the dev link

And is the dl link.

So far everything is working as it should be, and Class Item is the class I use to store the information about the shop items. ConvertNameToID.vb is a module that just has a very long select case with
Case "Name"
    Code = "Code"
The rest are for the forms and some blank files might be there since I was testing and the credits file was there because I needed to keep track of credits if I had decided to keep continuing this project. I use it to find IDs of names like
ConvertNameToID.ConvertNameToID("Wizet Invincible Hat")
which would give me the code 1002004? or I forgot GM Hat code.

To add items to lstItems, you first need to find which items you want to add then find the sub for it. Its like FindMageHat() and stuff. And in that sub if it's not done yet, it'll first have a lstItems.items.clear then it will have a 'Add Mage Hats or something like that to show you and you would do:
lstShop.Items.AddRange(New Object(){"Name1", "Name2", "Etc"})

I had the getName, getID, getPrice, setName, setID, and setPrice parts of the class there before I set the variables to Public, so they aren't needed, you can use them if you want. The class is still needed because that is where the price, name, and ID will be stored.

You also may see some very indented long pieces of code, those are for finding out if each Item instance is null or not. The ones with the giant tabs are for assigning, I would always want to assign it to the first one available.

Btw, Created with Visual Studio 2008 so I don't know if earlier versions would work with it.

You might want to compile it first, because a feature that checked whether you entered a shop/npc ID apparently wasn't uploaded in the Debug/Release.

Everything else should be self-explanatory...
Re: [Release]MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

Testing Now

Edit- I forgot this was titan sorry i cant test it :P
Re: [Release]MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

Testing Now

Edit- I forgot this was titan sorry i cant test it :P
It's not titan, I just mentioned titan cause that's the reason I quit developing it.

It's a visual basic project, if that's why it seems a lot like titanms...
Re: [Release]MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

How about this one

Bin > Debug > release?

Edit: Yay 100th Post :P
Re: [Release]MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

How about this one

Bin > Debug > release?

Edit: Yay 100th Post :P
I think the debug one is a bit more updated than the release... but I don't think it's by much.

Btw, make sure to fill in the shop and npc id because unless you compile, you won't have the feature to check whether you entered one in or not.
(Apparently I forgot to save the compiled file or somethin)
Re: [Release]MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

Any tut on how to use this?
Well once you get the program open, you choose yes or no to alphabetizing, then you choose your categories of items. So far, the only working items are:
Equip > Mage > Hat
Equip > Common > Hat
Equip > Warrior > Hat
Use > Weapon > Star
Use > Weapon > Arrow
and Possibly
Equip > Thief > Hat (If you compiled, then it should 100% work, don't know about if you didn't)

Then when you get the item names, double click/click add to add them, set the prices, set shop id and npc id, click generate.

And when you set prices you choose the item name on the right =P
Re: [Release]MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

Can you Upload a compiled one? This would be realy helpful for me but i dont have Visual basic 2008.
Re: [Release]MySQL Script Generator Source (Everything done except item codes)

Can you Upload a compiled one? This would be realy helpful for me but i dont have Visual basic 2008.
VIsual basic 2008 Express is free and the only difference I can tell between the compiled one and the one in the bin folder is the compiled one tells you if you didn't fill in the SQLShopID and the NPC ID boxes.
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