Naruto Eradication MMO RPG BETA Testing free to all

Mar 30, 2007
Reaction score
I tried to find a good spot to post this. Did not want to get banned for spamming so it is all in one post.
neroific - Naruto Eradication MMO RPG BETA Testing free to all - RaGEZONE Forums

Naruto Eradication is backed by a fully automated fighting system PVP and PVM, ranking system, a large assortment of shops coming soon. Whitness first hand one of the best Naruto MMO RPG's you ever played. This is the BETA test every week new additions will be added. Everything you have earned during the BETA test will be yours to keep when Naruto Eradication BETA testing is over. Join in on the fun as you bid for power in the NE universe. NarutoRPG (soon to have a .com domain)

Looking for staff, people with imaginative personalities who specialize in art with knowledge of photoshop. Also looking for moderators, and advertisers who can help spread the word and enforce our rules on people who break our rules of conduct.

neroific - Naruto Eradication MMO RPG BETA Testing free to all - RaGEZONE Forums
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I was expecting something with a 3D engine and some realy cool combos, but I find a php web rpg :)) Nice anyway...