Naruto vs. Sora (NS)?

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May 3, 2008
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Naruto vs. Sora

Who'd you think will win?
Hehe, Naruto won't use the
Kyuubi because he knows the
reason why he doesn't need to use it...
Who'd you think?


Hehe, I'd say Naruto ^^.
Like you said Naruto has Kyuubi in his back pocket
And Rasengan I just dont see Sora beating that.
naruto prob will use some random skill and suck back in the chakra o-o;
offtopic: anyone eles notice how whenever a guy is in trouble naruto responds more vigorously vs when a girl is ? *COUGH*yaoi*COUGHCOUGH*
lol thats true he cares more about dudes then chicks
In the last episode it seemed that naruto was managing to calm down Sora.
Now if he keeps growing tails,a pseudo-kyuubi would never beat up the real one,cuz come on,just remember the fight with Orochimaru and also Jiraiyas scar...
However,naruto won't let the kyuubi come out and he 'll manage relaxing him by words,i'm sure of it.
About the stuff that naruto cares more about friendship with dudes than chicks it's because he's still young and he's a guy who never had friends in the very past,that's why.
Also you can take out of your mind that naruto is gay or something like that(cuz that's what you might though) cuz he's totally in love with Sakura,remember?
All i want to see is how will Sora react if he learns that Kazuma is the white haired guy who done all this to him,his own father who he tried to avenge for,caused him a chaotic life.
If your relating to the series it's self then the questions "Naruto vs Sora" is pretty pointless really, because it's not like there really going to fight is it. Naruto hasn't tried he's just been trying to get Sora to regain self control again.

lol thats true he cares more about dudes then chicks

How so ? The Naruto series is mainly Male dominated, there's only a hand full of Females in the show anyway..

Naruto's been exiled for most his life so the friends he's got he's gonna keep close especially when everybody has only recently accepted him. He's in love with Sakura (who's female) so I highly doubt anybody means more to him then she does.
If Naruto would lose with a 20% mini Fox wannabe , the anime would end doh :P

Ah yeah there's also that factor to consider to. Sora is just the result of the Chakra that leaked out from the Fox Demon before it was trapped. Naruto is the real thing, so they wouldn't let Sora win in a fight if they really had one anyway. Wouldn't be good for the show at all.
Ah yeah there's also that factor to consider to. Sora is just the result of the Chakra that leaked out from the Fox Demon before it was trapped. Naruto is the real thing, so they wouldn't let Sora win in a fight if they really had one anyway. Wouldn't be good for the show at all.

its funny that i actually started to see Naruto 1st , then went to watch Naruto Shippuuden right after ( so i've seen all of NS ) , now i'm waiting for my d/l to finish so i can watch the 209 eps i got and the movies.
its funny that i actually started to see Naruto 1st , then went to watch Naruto Shippuuden right after ( so i've seen all of NS ) , now i'm waiting for my d/l to finish so i can watch the 209 eps i got and the movies.

209 * 20 = 4180
4180/60 = 70 hours

Enjoy! :tongue:
Sora because can summon genie in the lamp and stitch
make it 220 eps , d/l 37gb takes ages ffs , but well in those 70 hours i can get the 11 eps missing

I honestly wouldn't bother man, unless your gonna burn them all on to disk it's really not worth it you'll be downloading them ages. I'll PM you a link you can use to Stream the episodes.
I honestly wouldn't bother man, unless your gonna burn them all on to disk it's really not worth it you'll be downloading them ages. I'll PM you a link you can use to Stream the episodes.

dont like the streaming to be honest and yes i usually do burn all the anime :P

Better than burning porn on dvds :P
Obviously Naruto. If he dies story practically end. If you read the manga you know that he lives. Sora sucks anyways. He doesn't even have the full kyubi like Naruto. Sora is practically a filler or is it? I didn't read the manga till I got to the Sasuke Arc =[.
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