lol @ that dictionary
[omanko] (ktb

(n,vs) (X) (col) vagina/sexual intercourse/screw
[omeko] (ksb

(n,vs) (1) (X) (col) vagina/(2) sexual intercourse
[komasu] (v5s) (1) to do/to have sexual intercourse/(2) to give/to present/to award
[yaritomo] someone with whom one is not romantically involved but frequently has sexual relations with anyway
[adarutoshoppu] adult shop/sex shop
[oorarusekkusu] oral sex
[kaasekkusu] car sex
[sekushii] (adj-na,n) sexy/(P)

sexual harassment
[sekushuaru] (adj-no) sexual

sexual harrassment

(abbr) sexual harassment/(P)
[sekkusu] (n,vs) sexual intercourse/(P)
[sekkusufurendo] sex friend/someone with whom one is not romantically involved but frequently has sexual relations with anyway
[sekkususangyou] sex industry
[terehonsekkusu] telephone sex
[nyuuhaafu] transsexual or transvestite performer (lit: new half)
[baisekushuaru] bisexual
[pinkuchirashi] flyer advertising a sex-related business
[feasekkusu] fair sex
[furiisekkusu] free sex
[buruusekkasu] blue sex/homosexual
[buruubooi] blue boy/homosexual

[homosekusharu] homosexual
[bodikon] body conscious/sexually flattering clothing/(P)

Oedipus complex (Mother complex)/sexual attraction to one's mother/(P)
[motemote] (adj-na) sexy
[monosekkusu] unisex (lit: monosex)/monosexual
[yunisekkusu] unisex

Lolita complex/sexual attraction to children/paedophile

one mobile telephone ring (used by companies, usually sex-related, to register a phone number on a mobile in the hope people will return the call)

one mobile telephone ring (used by companies, usually sex-related, to register a phone number on a mobile in the hope people will return the call)

genital secretions/sexual fluids/semen/cum
[ijouseiyoku] sexual abnormality

the opposite sex/(P)

relationships with the opposite sex

sexual passion

sexually transmitted disease
[kamawohoru] (exp) (col) (uk) (vulg) to have gay sex/to sodomize
[kannouteki] (adj-na) sensual/voluptuous/sexy

sexagenary cycle/Chinese astrology

sexagenary cycle/Chinese astrology
[yaru] (v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to kill/to give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to study/to perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a boat)/to run or operate (a restaurant)
[kishi] sixth of the sexagenary cycle

acquaintance/relations/sexual intercourse/intersection

sexual union

sexual intercourse

sexual union
[kounaiseikou] (X) oral sex/blow job/fellatio

57th of the sexagenary cycle
[kou] (obsc) 10^38/hundred undecillion (American)/hundred sextillion (British)
[kasshi] first of the sexagenary cycle

sexual indulgence

extramarital sex

premarital sexual relations (intercourse)
[shiyuukanbetsu] sexing (of chickens, silkworms etc.)
[shiyuusentaku] sexual selection
[shiyuutouta] sexual selection

(1) bamboo flute/(2) (X) (vulg) oral sex/fellatio/(P)

scenery of spring/lust/sexual passion
[junketsukyouiku] education in sexual morality
[shotaiken] first sexual experience
[joseisabetsu] discrimination against women/sexism
[nasakewokawasu] (exp) to have sexual intercourse

intimacy/sexual intercourse

passion/sexual desire/lust

passions/sexual desire
[iroppoi] (adj) amorous/sexy/voluptuous/erotic

interest in the opposite sex/sex appeal/glamor/a shade of colour/colouring/sexual passion/romance/poetry/desire/seductiveness/charm/sensuality

erotomania/sexual obsession/sexual maniac

sexual passion/lust

sex mania

woman's most sexually attractive age

sexual passion

sexual appetite
[shingai] 48th of the sexagenary cycle
[hinakanbetsusha] chicken sexer
[sei] (n,n-suf) sex/gender/(P)
[seinokubetsu] distinction of the sexes
[seinojiyuu] sexual freedom

sexual love


sexual feelings

sexual dysfunction

sex education

sexual intercourse/(P)

sex act/intercourse
[seikouikansenshou] sexually transmitted diseases

sex (sexual) behavior

sex difference

sex discrimination/sexism

sexual urge
[seiseijuku] sexual maturation

sex life

sex chromosome

sexual gland

sexual characteristics (biol.)
[seiteki] (adj-na,n) sex/sexual/sexy/(P)
[seitekikankei] sexual relations

sexual abuse
[seitekishoudou] sex urge/sexual drive

sex change

sex change surgery

sexual morality

sex crime

sex offender

sex ratio
[seihyougenjouhou] sexually explicit material

distinction by sex/sex/gender/(P)
[seibetsunarabinikokuseki] sex and nationality

sex instinct
[seiyuugi] sex game

sexual desire

sexual desire/(P)

genital organ/genitalia/sexual organ/reproductive organ
[zengi] (sexual) foreplay/(P)

secondary sex characteristic


unisexual flower
[danjonobetsu] distinction of sex

sex ratio

equal rights for both sexes/equality of the sexes

sodomy/male homosexuality

sodomy/male homosexuality
[teigai] 24th of the sexagenary cycle
[teiyuu] 34th of the sexagenary cycle
[momoiroyuugi] sex play

same sex/homosexuality/homogeneity/congeniality/(P)

homosexual love
[douseiaisha] homosexual (person)
[nareau] (v5u) to collude (with)/to conspire (with)/to establish a secret liaison (with)/to make friends with/to get along well with/to become intimate (with opposite sex)

sexual feeling

sexual relations
[chichikuru] (v5r) to have secret or illicit sexual relations

sex-linked inheritance


sexual frigidity

illicit sexual relationship

(1) manners/customs/(2) sex service/sex industry/(P)
[fuuzokueigyou] (1) business offering food and entertainment/cabarets, clubs and resturant business/(2) sex industry

death during sexual intercourse

43rd of the sexagenary cycle
[hentaiseiyoku] abnormal sexuality

fifth of the sexagenary cycle

35th of the sexagenary cycle


[museiseishoku] asexual reproduction


sexual reproduction
[youkeishinka] neoteny/mature sexually while in physical infancy

passion(s)/(sexual) desire/craving
[rankoupaatii] (X) a sexual orgy

both sexes

androgynous flower/bisexual flower
[ryouseiteki] (adj-na) bisexual
[mutsugo] sextuplets
[rokujuushou] vocal sextet
[rokujuusou] instrumental sextet


The Sextant (star)

(consensual) sexual intercourse

sexual union
[kichuu] 50th of the sexagenary cycle
[kibi] 20th of the sexagenary cycle