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Ne1 play Quake3?

Loyal Member
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Just re-installed it. I hardly eva play games nemore but this never gets old. Just love stickin on 4 a 30min frag fest. don't ne of u sad gits tell me 2 play CS, I don't wanna b bored out of my skull (sayin that 1/2 the time I mention Quake3 sum yoghurt goes 'Play CS!!!!!11 Quake's shit blah blah lol).

So if ne1 wants a game, gimme a shout on: [email protected] :good:
Do you have to buy CS in a game store, or is it a free download as in a client?
Counter-Strike is free if you have Half-Life. I played quake 3 a few times on LAN i think im pretty decent at it altho i dunno any of the map names or owt i play so many fps games its just natural. I don't have it at home or i wud give ya a game. I play UT2k4 tho whch is pretty much the same as Quake 3 but with more guns + better graphics.
Bud the Weiser said:
Counter-Strike is free if you have Half-Life. I played quake 3 a few times on LAN i think im pretty decent at it altho i dunno any of the map names or owt i play so many fps games its just natural. I don't have it at home or i wud give ya a game. I play UT2k4 tho whch is pretty much the same as Quake 3 but with more guns + better graphics.
Dude I don't know ne map names and all that balls, u don't need 2. A game should b stick on- play, have fun, turn off. Unless it's an RPG then u sit down and enjoy the ride :D Probs will get UT2K4 but I just saw Quake lying around and thought I'd give it a go

nathan123 said:
play CS!! quake 3 sux imo, the best fps is cs by far cos u actually have an aim other than killing shit out of eachother, cos that wont get boring :good:
That's wot does get boring, besides it's retarded 2 compare CS 2 Quake, they're virtually different genres lol. Quake+UT r fast paced stick on, go sick games- that's wot I wanna play
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