Need help w/ v2.0.10 The Burning Crusade Server

Mar 15, 2007
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Hello everyone, first of all, this forum is great, you guys are so helpful, thanks for all the information.

I'm new to the server emulator stuff, however, I did manage to get the mangos v2.0.10 BC server up and running, again, thanks to all you guys.

Only two problems I'm having now, first, the NPCs don't talk to me, vendors and trainers work just fine, just the NPCs (guards and flight points). For this reason, I cann't take a flight ride or find directions from the guards. The second problems is that enemies won't attack me, maybe it's because I set my level to 255, but I cann't kill those elites in any instances as well, they just won't attack me even I tried to attack them. They also won't die, after I kill them, they respawn within 1 sec with half life.

Would anyone please help me with these problems? Thanks.
The Npc's don't talk yet... atm a usuall server problem.
You might kill the bosses with the code ".die"
Don't set yourself to level 255 if you want the enemys attack you.
70 will be enough. But usually the bosses are to strong taht you might kill them allone
NPC's don't talk?? They are talking to me very well. The bosses are very strong but if you try with 3 or more ppl you can kill them.
It must be a database problem. you can try to re-execute the batch file to your mysql with navicat or some other program.