Need help with M2Server error Mir2 

Newbie Spellweaver
May 12, 2006
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Hi as some of you might know iv been haveing probs geting the new spell's working & someone told me to make suar im useing the right exe well i am but looking throw i found a new m2server in the legend of mir.rar file so i adden that & it was 0.02 bigger then the one i had so i added it & ran the gates im now geting this when i load the M2server...

Loading Monster.DB...
[12/02/2007 17:02:59] StartTimer exception: Field 'FLD_HALLUCINATION' not found

iv looked for this FLD in the tables & carnt find it if i have to add it can you plz tell me ware i add it & what table it go's in.
I assume you have to add it. Go into TBL_MONSTER and add name FLD_HALLUCINATION, type should be bit, length 1 and Null not allowed. Default value should be 1.
Hi as some of you might know iv been haveing probs geting the new spell's working & someone told me to make suar im useing the right exe well i am but looking throw i found a new m2server in the legend of mir.rar file so i adden that & it was 0.02 bigger then the one i had so i added it & ran the gates im now geting this when i load the M2server...

Loading Monster.DB...
[12/02/2007 17:02:59] StartTimer exception: Field 'FLD_HALLUCINATION' not found

iv looked for this FLD in the tables & carnt find it if i have to add it can you plz tell me ware i add it & what table it go's in.

Had this error after i restored the monster database from the access fil.

if you look at the access file there are diffeant fields to that of sql.

I tried to change the fields so they were the same but this didn't work.

So i just restored the sql database and when i imported the access file, i did not import the monster field.

the server ran fine, but i will work on this and try and sort it.
sorry that not the error i got

i get this error

] StartTimer exception: Cannot access field 'FLD_ANTIPUSH' as type Boolean

any thoughts?