i dont recommend you do anything over your head at the moment silveron.
this is how i got started with nwn from a complete noob the expert with it i am today:
- first, i started building small demo modules. you know, learning the interface and stuff. i remember i built a small 4x4 forest area in my first module and there i would make clothes. pretty basic
- next, i made a demo 4x6 tavern. in this tavern i had an npc and a chicken. eventually i made my own version of the chicken (remember i was still a noob so this stuff was hard for me at the time) and made it shoot a frost beam when it was attacked.
- next i made another module that had 2 areas, a 4x4 inn and a 6x6 city exterior. i put a door in the inn and a building w/ a door on the exterior, then made a transition with them both. then i used the script:
NWScript said:
void main()
to make the door automatically close 6 seconds after it was opened.. for style.
- then i made a town, with living npcs. it was my first attempts at walk WPs and posts. it all went smoothly.
- i added 5 areas to this town module and added a governer PC with my own custom scripted quest.
- i learned how to set up ATS, NWNX, APS, and the ATSDB.
- i start an arena server and i put all of my knowledge of scripting and stuff in it. in a matter of weeks it becomes the #1 most played NWN Arena server in the world.
- i start developing my own hakpacks.
- i completely remake Bichon Wall into nwn with exact detail, from npcs to to the torches (of course it uses a few hak packs).
- i build an entire PW called Audia Online.
thats sort of my timeline with nwn. it only took me a few months to get really good with it. to the arena community STILL i am regarded as one of the best nwn arena builders of all time.