need help with server Mir3 

Jun 18, 2004
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im trying to put up a mir3 server for my own personal use but when i load up the eiserver.exe apart from missing quite a few maps thats not really the problem i gte the msg xxx.x.x.xx (ip) not found.

now i can log into the game creating my own account and creating a character so when i click the buttun to go into the game its sits there with 'connection to game server' no there must be something wrong with my sql server yes?

any help pls guys thx.
I think this belongs here.... if not well -runs-
Two things to check really---

1. User Server Control program to start the server - this will put the right IP's and name in the files for you.

2. Check rungate is saying --][-- (which means it connected) and not -] [-- (which means it not talking to the server)
If that is the case then check the port in the ini file for rungate - its either 5010 or 5000 depend on what server you have.

Check DBSrv says connect on the varous things.
ok it is the rungate then but when i change it from 5000 to 5010 in the db server it still says;

Connected to LoginServer.
DB Server initialised.
[] GameServer connected.
[] RunGate connected.

and on the rungate.exe says ---]$$[---

help pls.

When its as 5010 it looks like this. ---] [---
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