Hey guys,
I've been around the Redmoon Community since Diosa, character name was "SexyLavi" after that i went to Olympic Server ( second english RM server) and was the original EvilAzlar (not the RMClassic one). From there i hopped from server to server, DayDream 4.5 Svr, Inferno as MasterOfMagic, a lot of people called me MoM... etc etc.... Then one day i decided to join my buddy as he wanted to try and make a server himself. So i was the GM on his server for a bit, (Redmoon Legendary) i was GMFantasy, THEN i decided to move on once his shut down and make one myself, with a lot of help and patience from others i created Redmoon Fantasy, 3.8 server and 4.5 server which ran for quite some time, i didn't go to public on it as i didnt want to attract hackers or people who wanted to mess with my DB. Anywho, i still have pretty much everything you can name about redmoon on my laptop, 4.4 server files, that are pretty much ready to rock, as i took months and months to fix them up. As well as very clean 3.8 files, guides to pretty much everything, how to make warp statues, how to create a server, edit skills (damages etc) Weapon modifications and what not. If you need help creating a server or anything dont hesitate to add me on Facebook, just search up "Shawn Thebeau" from Whitehorse, Canada. I really enjoyed working on redmoon and willing to help others. This is not bullshit. I am still in contact with most of the people who created the big servers in the past as well. Anywho you know how to find me !
I've been around the Redmoon Community since Diosa, character name was "SexyLavi" after that i went to Olympic Server ( second english RM server) and was the original EvilAzlar (not the RMClassic one). From there i hopped from server to server, DayDream 4.5 Svr, Inferno as MasterOfMagic, a lot of people called me MoM... etc etc.... Then one day i decided to join my buddy as he wanted to try and make a server himself. So i was the GM on his server for a bit, (Redmoon Legendary) i was GMFantasy, THEN i decided to move on once his shut down and make one myself, with a lot of help and patience from others i created Redmoon Fantasy, 3.8 server and 4.5 server which ran for quite some time, i didn't go to public on it as i didnt want to attract hackers or people who wanted to mess with my DB. Anywho, i still have pretty much everything you can name about redmoon on my laptop, 4.4 server files, that are pretty much ready to rock, as i took months and months to fix them up. As well as very clean 3.8 files, guides to pretty much everything, how to make warp statues, how to create a server, edit skills (damages etc) Weapon modifications and what not. If you need help creating a server or anything dont hesitate to add me on Facebook, just search up "Shawn Thebeau" from Whitehorse, Canada. I really enjoyed working on redmoon and willing to help others. This is not bullshit. I am still in contact with most of the people who created the big servers in the past as well. Anywho you know how to find me !