• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Need Redmoon help ?

Newbie Spellweaver
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I've been around the Redmoon Community since Diosa, character name was "SexyLavi" after that i went to Olympic Server ( second english RM server) and was the original EvilAzlar (not the RMClassic one). From there i hopped from server to server, DayDream 4.5 Svr, Inferno as MasterOfMagic, a lot of people called me MoM... etc etc.... Then one day i decided to join my buddy as he wanted to try and make a server himself. So i was the GM on his server for a bit, (Redmoon Legendary) i was GMFantasy, THEN i decided to move on once his shut down and make one myself, with a lot of help and patience from others i created Redmoon Fantasy, 3.8 server and 4.5 server which ran for quite some time, i didn't go to public on it as i didnt want to attract hackers or people who wanted to mess with my DB. Anywho, i still have pretty much everything you can name about redmoon on my laptop, 4.4 server files, that are pretty much ready to rock, as i took months and months to fix them up. As well as very clean 3.8 files, guides to pretty much everything, how to make warp statues, how to create a server, edit skills (damages etc) Weapon modifications and what not. If you need help creating a server or anything dont hesitate to add me on Facebook, just search up "Shawn Thebeau" from Whitehorse, Canada. I really enjoyed working on redmoon and willing to help others. This is not bullshit. I am still in contact with most of the people who created the big servers in the past as well. Anywho you know how to find me !
I messaged you on facebook. Im interested in bringing this game back. Anyone who is experience with the server files, hit me up. I will pay for a dedicated server, and also a website. So no money out of your pocket. Lets bring this game back!!!!

[email protected]

By the way, u can message me with the email on skype.
Been getting a lot of feedback lately which is good, been helping who i can. Just chatting about this game with people made me want to mess around and clean up some 4.4 files lol... And also got convinced to help someone make a 3.944 server, will keep it touch.
Hey guys,

I've been around the Redmoon Community since Diosa, character name was "SexyLavi" after that i went to Olympic Server ( second english RM server) and was the original EvilAzlar (not the RMClassic one). From there i hopped from server to server, DayDream 4.5 Svr, Inferno as MasterOfMagic, a lot of people called me MoM... etc etc.... Then one day i decided to join my buddy as he wanted to try and make a server himself. So i was the GM on his server for a bit, (Redmoon Legendary) i was GMFantasy, THEN i decided to move on once his shut down and make one myself, with a lot of help and patience from others i created Redmoon Fantasy, 3.8 server and 4.5 server which ran for quite some time, i didn't go to public on it as i didnt want to attract hackers or people who wanted to mess with my DB. Anywho, i still have pretty much everything you can name about redmoon on my laptop, 4.4 server files, that are pretty much ready to rock, as i took months and months to fix them up. As well as very clean 3.8 files, guides to pretty much everything, how to make warp statues, how to create a server, edit skills (damages etc) Weapon modifications and what not. If you need help creating a server or anything dont hesitate to add me on Facebook, just search up "Shawn Thebeau" from Whitehorse, Canada. I really enjoyed working on redmoon and willing to help others. This is not bullshit. I am still in contact with most of the people who created the big servers in the past as well. Anywho you know how to find me !
hello!! i want redmoon server setting text file!! and original 3.8 server file and client!! plz!!

[email protected] send mail!!

not find facebook!! ID!!