New armors

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Hello again

I am learning how to use blender and C4D i need to know if it is possible to create now armors/weapons contour/mobs/maps with blender and C4D

If yes what muss i do for create those things?

Thanks if you can help
Look at the Res-Obj folder in your game. Things like mobs/armors (contours)/weapons are stored there.
The files mostly have a .x file (the object/model file) and textures.
In the Res-Eff folder there are ingame objects... like effects or ingamethings...

view the .x file with 3D model viewer (for example) and you will see how the model is build up.
You can start with editing the armors (remember that the Res-Obj files have to be the same in the client and server files)

To create a new armor/weapon etc. you must do that with the Databases. Create a new source for the armors etc. and make entries for that source in the reffering files etc. (also create a new omi.tex and so on...)

You won´t be able to set the coordinates for engine flames or things like that because you would need the source key I think.

There is lot of stuff to do if you wish to create a new armor.

Hope this helped...
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actually PanKJ seems to be the only one who knows how to create complete new maps with objects, texture, sma etc......
but ofc he´s not sharing anything atm because his programs get leeched
good luck asking him :)
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actually PanKJ seems to be the only one who knows how to create complete new maps with objects, texture, sma etc......
but ofc he´s not sharing anything atm because his programs get leeched
good luck asking him :)

You could try asking DragonLord or those guys who have the EP4 source. Simply put, EP5 will be out before you manage to make a map from scratch.

Besides, if you are learning how to use those designing programs at the moment, it will probably take you a lot of time before you can make a useful object with animations that work for the masangish game.

Anyway, you should probably begin with examining objectinfo.inf and understanding what the .x file contains in it since you seem new to those things.
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I have a lot of time to spend for that. so i look lots of tutorials for how to use blender^^ And for the maps i go ask to dragonlord i dont know if he will help me but no pain no gain ^^ And for the maps again i muss see before too how has it be created for have a little idea what and with what muss i open the maps if you know? :s
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Up and i am trying to find how to make .X to .blend or an other file who blender can open for work on the old armors too
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