New DBO Project

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 11, 2017
Reaction score
Welcome RageZone community.
My name is Mateo, I'm starting new DBO project.

About me:
I'm 30 years old Dragon Ball fan. I played DragonBall Online since korea server, I switched to taiwanese server on 70 level cap.
I miss that game and can not wait for private server anymore. I know about DBOG, but current state of project do not satisfy me yet, so I decided to start my own project.
I have worked as embedded systems developer (C) for 3.5 years, later switched to telecommunication (C++) for next 4.5 years and since last 3 years I am working as software engineer (C++) mostly background services.
So I have 11 years of commercial experience in C/C++. In 1.5 week I am going to leave my work and switch to working on DBO project in full time.

About project:
Currently I am working alone, I hope it will change soon - read till end.
I am working with latest taiwanese client. Server application will work under linux.
As you can guess, server app is made with using C++, additionally I'll use LUA scripts.
Current database engine is MySQL, but it may change.
Project is and will remain closed source.

What I've already done:
I've made complete communication with client part, so I am NOT using the ones you can find in old project from ragezone.
Authentication server is 100% complete and secure, Character server allow to view character list and server change, other apps like Chat server, Game server, Query server running and are able to communicate with each other.
I know about EDF files, already decrypted them, soon I'll load them into memory.
Found devmaster.xml on ragezone, edited client to turn off packet encryption.
I have old leaked source with tools (Nothing new for you guys).
There is anything more what guy who start adventure with developing DBO should know?

Purpose of this thread:
I know it will cost a lot of hard work, I hoping to find here some people to cooperate with.
If you want to help me in any way just write here or PM me. To be clear, I am looking for people who can help develop server, if you want to be translator, tester etc it is NOT right time.
Also I will regularly post here my progress, so you can see how it is going.

Answers for questions I predict to show up:
Q: There is a chance to release source?
A: No, project is closed source, only project members can have it.

Q: You will release compiled binary?
A: For now not, I'll show my progress as screenshots and videos, maybe someday I'll release binary for "offline playing", but I can't promise.

Q: Will be game free?
A: No, but I'll try make cash shop as friendly as possible, game won't be P2W.
Personally I don't need much money from this project, but hosting game costs, and I don't know what will be attitude of my future team members.

Q: When you planning to release game / make tests.
A: I have no idea, let's see first how fast it will goes. It depends if I'll find here some nice people to work with. I think alone I can bring game back to old taiwan/hongkong state under 1 year.

tl;dr I am starting new DBO project, if you want to help then PM me or write post, if you want just play game, follow this thread for future updates;

Here is first screenshot of my progress:
bGwsAmU - New DBO Project - RaGEZONE Forums
Awesome! I can't wait to see more progress. Good luck.


Q: There is a chance to release source?
A: No, project is closed source, only project members can have it.

Q: You will release compiled binary?
A: For now not, I'll show my progress as screenshots and videos, maybe someday I'll release binary for "offline playing", but I can't promise.

Q: Will be game free?
A: No, but I'll try make cash shop as friendly as possible, game won't be P2W.
Personally I don't need much money from this project, but hosting game costs, and I don't know what will be attitude of my future team members.

Q: When you planning to release game / make tests.
A: I have no idea, let's see first how fast it will goes. It depends if I'll find here some nice people to work with. I think alone I can bring game back to old taiwan/hongkong state under 1 year.

Alot of 'No', one more close source, don't be surprise if you ask some information and you don't get anwser...

Good luck anyway with your project.

Yep ATIDOT3, unfortunately another closed project but let's see what happen!

Good luck for your project @RZK!

Cheers :beer:
Thank you guys,
Little progress since first post:
Loading all EDF files into memory, actually I don't have structures, only matched size of struct.
Table_Newbie_Data fully maped
Character creation is working and use Table_Newbie_Data to get character skills, items, hotkeys, start positionCharacter server now display character items
LZgvIyd - New DBO Project - RaGEZONE Forums
great project!!!but need a lot of time to deve it...if only youself!
Some changes I made this week:
Character delete - require special password to delete, character is deleted after 24 hours, process can be canceled
Character server show correct status of channel (closed or load in percent)
Character server is 100% finished.
Can login to game server, character model, class, level, nick is correct. Working on stats structureHotkeys are loaded, equiped items are loaded (only equip).
Logout, exit and channel change is working
This week I quit my job, starting work on DBO in full time, more updates soon.

oBz4NgZ - New DBO Project - RaGEZONE Forums
@RZK thnks for your continuous updates on this thread and I'm sorry for your work (of course if was not your decision :): )
Yes, that was my decision, I wanted to have more time for this project.
New changes:
table_pc_data.edf fully maped,
Character stats that depend only on level and class are calculated correctly,
Con, Dex, Str, Foc, Sol, Eng stats give other stats, not 100% like retail DBO, but close
Con give LP and LP regeneration
Eng give EP and EP regeneration
Dex give dodge rate, physical crit rate, physical attack, curse tolerance
Foc give hit rate, energy crit rate, energy attack, curse success rate
Str give physical attack
Sol give energy attack
AvatarAttribute structure is 85% complete, few last fields are missing, someone can share this structure?
2BzoOoo - New DBO Project - RaGEZONE Forums
Last edited:
You are working really fast, interested to see your project grown up :):
Unfortunately I can't help with attackAvatarAttribute structure, I don't know where it can be
hey man!
Great job and proyect!
I dont have any skills on coding/programing , BUT, i am a hosting provider.. So, if you need FREE host, like vps , webhost, domain, just tellme! i will provide it to you for free, because i really want an stable dbo server.. and, if you want, i can translate it to spanish lang when game is ready :) its for my people :)

Good luck!
Progres since last week:
Object create packets are mostly working - player, mob, npc, summon, zenny, drop item.
All spawn tables loaded and used to spawn all mobs and npc in world map & dungeons.
Players can see each other.
Basic movement is working, players can see each other movement.
World spawn & despawn system is working, while movement near objects will apear and far objects will dissapear, system cover all cases and should be bugless.
Mob random movement is working, path and partol move type will come later.
Fixed lot of EDF and packet structures.

With next update I will start making videos of progress.

Gshit3T - New DBO Project - RaGEZONE Forums

hey man!
Great job and proyect!
I dont have any skills on coding/programing , BUT, i am a hosting provider.. So, if you need FREE host, like vps , webhost, domain, just tellme! i will provide it to you for free, because i really want an stable dbo server.. and, if you want, i can translate it to spanish lang when game is ready :) its for my people :)

Good luck!
Thank you, but I will take care of hosting myself. Someday I will need translators and I will announce that, for now I am looking only for people who can help me in server development.
Progres since last week:
Object create packets are mostly working - player, mob, npc, summon, zenny, drop item.
All spawn tables loaded and used to spawn all mobs and npc in world map & dungeons.
Players can see each other.
Basic movement is working, players can see each other movement.
World spawn & despawn system is working, while movement near objects will apear and far objects will dissapear, system cover all cases and should be bugless.
Mob random movement is working, path and partol move type will come later.
Fixed lot of EDF and packet structures.

With next update I will start making videos of progress.

Gshit3T - New DBO Project - RaGEZONE Forums

Thank you, but I will take care of hosting myself. Someday I will need translators and I will announce that, for now I am looking only for people who can help me in server development.

Good Job we maybe can help you in dev contact us in Discord you can contact me and all Old people from Akcore Sources here
Good Job we maybe can help you in dev contact us in Discord you can contact me and all Old people from Akcore Sources here

OMG, I can't believe that old AKCore team and RZK can work together, if this happen we'll see the project done really soon! Can't wait for that :cool:
Keep going in this way guys!

Cheers :thumbup1:

marcomurta it's possible to join in the discord group or is limited to devs?
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