new king

Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
ElMarshal - new king - RaGEZONE Forums

( Achievement Generator)
ques have allready started to get one, thats a demand

I was walking past the virgin megastore in newcastle today. Apprently they have 73 pre-orders left for tomorrow. Why even bother queing unless they are queing purely for the ability to say they have qued for a games console. Bragging rights etc.

There is absolutly no PS3 hype in england at all, which is really bad considering its being release tomorrow. Ive seen one advert for it, some car game. By the time the wii was this close to release there were LOADS of adverts about and i doubt anyone who watchs TV hadnt seen an advert for it.

Its a shame really, it could of been a good console but as normal sony thinks it knows best. Sure they have a massive european stock now, but imo it would of been better to release the same time as USA with a massivly limited stock and just sell them when they can, sorta like what nintendo did. I think delaying 3months in europe has destroyed there chances here, and america no one likes sony anymore after all the shit they have caused over there with rootkits and the like.

GameSpot Forums - System Wars - Sony's PS3 Disappointment Timeline Continued
i think the ps3 will still outsell xbox360. i waited extra long for one, be waiting even longer for the price to drop

Maybe if they halfed the price.

Personaly id buy one if it were cheap enough purely to run linex on it. Fuck using it as a game console tbh, they are using what 10% of the cells potential? Yet people are paying for the entire thing. Why even put in an uber expensive processor if you arnt going to even use it, let alone every game that comes out of both xbox and ps3 isnt going to bother either way.

Just pisses me off that they stick loads of good kit in it then totaly screw it up.

If it were cheap then im sure loads of people would install linex on them, hell i can see even university buying them for researching purposes. The processor is a beast if its used properly.