New problem

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
I got my admin client and hotuk working fine, But now I can't use lvl 2/3 commands. I could just be typing them wrong but I've tried 9+ commands atleast 5 times each.

EDIT : Bah, Nevermind. I forgot to read up on this little part lol. x_x

How to get Admin levels

"/" means Admin Level 1 required. You don't need to do anything when you logged with Admin Client.
Example of Adminlvl1 Command :
/field 21 (21 warps you to Pillai, see "List of areas")

"~/" means Admin Level 2 required. You need to enter "~/;"YOURNAME" Hello2" when you logged with Admin Client. (Obviously "YOURNAME" is you character's name.)
Example of Adminlvl2 Command :
~/kick "Username"

"~/@" means Admin Level 3 required. You need to enter "~/;"YOURNAME" Hello3" when you logged with Admin Client. (Obviously "YOURNAME" is you character's name.)
Example of Adminlvl3 Command :
~/@put "Item Name Or Code"

Now my only problem is everytime I type something it shows it twice.. Even when I spawn items, It spawns two. o.o *Cough* Not to mention everything's in japanese lmao.
Monster/Items. It's because it's jPT but why would an english board want everything in japanese? Like, Items have the english names but then where it says the requirements for the item under it (80 talent,100 str, etc) it's all in jap. Monsters are in jap too but that's not as much of a problem.

EDIT : Uh, I just thought of something too. Is there a way to edit stats manually through the SQL database? I tried looking but I don't see the character table anywhere.
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You can edit stats using the CU and your monster files just aren't translated, use the translator in the monster folder to make them English.Same for items.
Yeah I tried the CU, 7 of them actually. They didn't work though. It said it saved it but the stats looked the exact same and went I went in-game they didn't change.

Well the translators worked, But isn't there a way to see everything in english with the admin client? x_x
The stats point rule still applies to admins and GMs, you cant have more stats then your level dictates, so if your trying to give yourself 9999999 strength or something thats why.
Well these are stolen server files, and its not as if a GM in official PT would have need for ridiculous high stats, if they needed to be unkillable, just make a item with very high regen and HP bonus.