New Races don't show up

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 23, 2006
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Finally got a test stand copy of Kobold3 running and my client patched to retail. Installed TBC I can connect to the server and create characters but the two new races are still unavailable for me to access. Any suggestions? I searched the forum for hours but didn't see anything like this.
2.0.0 is not TBC. It includes some TBC data (hence the greyed out races) but you still need to install the TBC expansion onto your client.

As far as I know Ludmilla V3 supports the 2.0.1 client but NOT TBC
That's odd.... when I load up my client it says World of Warcraft Burning Crusade. I grabbed the TBC CE from filebabe. So you're saying I need atleast 2.0.1 to unlock the races or that it just isn't possible yet.
It IS possible, but you need to edit one of the DBC files, and use WoW 2.0.1. Me and killerxx2 have them unlocked and are busy working on getting them all kitted out n stuff. I'll let you figure out how to on your own, just like we did. ^_~
Yeah, and if you want to play the new races without editing .dbc files etc then just use a 2.0.6 [TBC] server and a 2.0.6 [TBC] Client.
I think there are like 3-4 different choices you can go with here.
W33dCore seems to be the most popular atm.

Why is everyone wanting to use these crappy TBC servers? They are only modified versions of VERY VERY OLD mangos Core releases. NOTHING works properly, the client freezes when you zone, a couple of the TBC servers you find are just sandboxes which only you can log into, Basically they just SUCK right now. Just wait, and be patient. I mean, hell, they havent even gotten most of the old content working yet. MaNGOS dev's will release a proper TBC server when they are ready. These hacked up 600 revision old Core's that are supporting 2.0.6 SUUUCK! </rant>

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, they are pretty bad. BUT, they can only get better if more and more people have them, as it only takes one person to release a new DB with more spawns.

The bottom line though is that we will need to wait until mangos officially supports it. I have tried in my efforts to help this take place by making TBC client files more available, so hopefully it shouldn't be too much longer.
It IS possible, but you need to edit one of the DBC files, and use WoW 2.0.1. Me and killerxx2 have them unlocked and are busy working on getting them all kitted out n stuff. I'll let you figure out how to on your own, just like we did. ^_~

I'm not a coder so I'll pass, very informative also I might add.
Yes, they are pretty bad. BUT, they can only get better if more and more people have them, as it only takes one person to release a new DB with more spawns.

The bottom line though is that we will need to wait until mangos officially supports it. I have tried in my efforts to help this take place by making TBC client files more available, so hopefully it shouldn't be too much longer.

I've downloaded so much of your stuff and read many of your articles, you've done a badass job of offering community support, I salute you. As soon as I can get Visual FoxPro (google says that's what .DBC files are edited with) I'll do what I can to lend support to the community.
Visual FoxPro? o.O Google is wrong, my friend. Use dbc2csv, then edit them with CSVed. Also, I may tell you how I unlocked the new races, or I may not. :P ^_~

Or, I may tell you it honestly really isn't that important if you do or not, I don't run a big time server like alot of people do, this is for myself and about a dozen other dedicated users. I do this as a hobby because I like to work on software. My users are having fun and I look to enhance their experience.

However In all fairness I thank you for telling me what you as a coder use to edit the files, you we're a very helpful mammal. ;)
As far as I know Ludmilla V3 supports the 2.0.1 client but NOT TBC

V3 does accepts BC2.0.0 build 6080, but only if 6080 is set up as alternative client (see LS-config).
However, it still needs the same mpq patch to unlock the new races, and new maps are unavailable, as V3 don't support them yet.
Also, if you want the new races to be like they are supposed to, you'll need to edit their info in (ie. display IDs, item IDs, skills, correct stats, alt. starting pos, faction, language, etc.)
And about the "new maps are unavailable", me and killerxx2 WERE able to get to the new maps but, DAMN, the only thing they are good for is exploring. I mean, you can't spawn creatures there, coz when you do, they cannot move at all. Also, there's no fall damage. This is because, as ace said, Kv3 doesn't properly support the 530 maps atm. Hopefully Kv4 will...
Not to necropost but thanks Yamachi, after getting the tools you suggested I can see why this is such a time consuming process. I'm waiting for Kv4 myself but at the moment I'm messing around with the DBC files for a Mangos release on my main PC and DAMN those DBC files are chocked with alot of crap to try and figure out.
Well, I'm feeling nice today and have decided to send you an invite to X-Nubs, my forum. There, you will find a release of Kv3 that myself and killerxx2 have been working on, which includes all the corrected information for the Blood Elves and Draenei, and also the unlock patch (a custom 80mb one that contains models extracted from TBC, so you can use the new creatures).

Make sure you read the X-Nubs forum rules BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE! Also, the Boke-WoW Repack is not as up-to-date as the one we are currently using, but it will get you started. I will also post a fix for the 530 maps and a newer so you can get to the BE and Draenei starting places w/ no problems.
The rules on your site comply 100% with how I operate, they will be followed accordingly. All info contained here within will stay on X-nubs.
No, it is a public release. I've had it for quite some time now, however there is a difference between public and developer releases. Atleast from what I can gather.