New siggy by the Pie.

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Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Well, I started of with this render:
Planet Renders // Renders - Abstract 3D Renders/Mandarin Orange

Several hours and 70 layers later, I turned it into this:

Pieman - New siggy by the Pie. - RaGEZONE Forums

C&C pls. Also, should I change for my current?
It looks neat indeed, but i would like to see a sexier light source tbh.

gj m8
hate me but its jut the render pasted on a layer and with the position transformed and brighten a little and a text
Looks like youve just rotated it and added colour... but thats just my opinion

70 layers is a bit ludicrous for ANY tag.
Looks like youve just rotated it and added colour... but thats just my opinion

70 layers is a bit ludicrous for ANY tag.

Not at all, not at all mate. When you'll advance further, you'll learn that the more advanced your sigs get the more layers they have. Hell, I once even made a tech sig which had around 100 layers.
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