new slipknot song

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lol slipknot u cant even understand a word there saying u they scream in the mic things like BURN IN HELL!! i mean wtf is that ment to mean.....
Spunkeh said:
lol slipknot u cant even understand a word there saying u they scream in the mic things like BURN IN HELL!! i mean wtf is that ment to mean.....

That is true.. however, the trick is to listen to it when "your getting down and dirty" and OMG you'll see why it rocks so much. It's all in the beat I tell yah. Adema also does the trick :good:
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i can listen and understand slipknot easily, and can sing along.. i donno why every one says that. they just dont take the time to listen because it doesnt say the word yo or nigga every 3 seconds.
Spunkeh said:
lol slipknot u cant even understand a word there saying u they scream in the mic things like BURN IN HELL!! i mean wtf is that ment to mean.....
Tard fuckin read the lyrics. U won't even b able 2 understand them, they're way 2 complex 4 ur feeble 'pop a cap in yo ass nigga hoe, big TV drive by' wank mind.
i never really enjoyed the music that slipknot have made.... (except that one where the video is from a live concert..... cant remember its name..... fairly old i think). I give them respect because they really arnt a load of mindless heavy metal rocktards. Their lyrics really do make sense! some of there philosophies i dont agree with but it certainly doesent make em bad :D
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