[Newbie] How to Custom appearance on Elan Scud Lava

Initiate Mage
Jul 31, 2024
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Hi Ragezone,

i had a little problem to see scud lava on elan because it's too small and hard to click. is it any chance to edit it on CLIENT side ? maybe replace to dagnue
Hi Ragezone,

i had a little problem to see scud lava on elan because it's too small and hard to click. is it any chance to edit it on CLIENT side ? maybe replace to dagnue
I remember there’s a way to do this, I am not sure if the server need to be changed, but on client you need to edit the character.edf on monster part, there’s something like size multplier if I am not wrong 🤔
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I remember there’s a way to do this, I am not sure if the server need to be changed, but on client you need to edit the character.edf on monster part, there’s something like size multplier if I am not wrong 🤔
Yep there is a scale value on the monster data `ScaleRate`. But if you wanted to change the mesh used "maybe replace to dagnue" you'll need to edit the resource.edf -> find the scud lava lines -> replace the mesh, bones,animations for the dagnue ones
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