Newbie needs help

Apr 2, 2007
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I'm a complete and utter newb. Therefore I follow directions very closely, however, I've run into a problem and all I can figure is it's my lack of understanding. I couldn't download the files from here, I just kept getting errors...however, I did find the file elsewhere that installed the folder Redmoon Server and included the install.txt that M4rky made.

After the LocalSetupDB etc I hit enter and get a couple of errors that I have no idea what to do with. For one, I don't have a C:\'s looking for one...all I have is the C:\Redmoon Server. What do I not have that I need?

Another is toward the end when it says The database 'redmoon' does not exist. I'm sure it doesn't, I know *I* haven't made one..what am I missing?

There's another line looking for database redmoon and stating it doesn't exist. Help?
Just for the sake of making things easier, rename your folder to Redmoon, not Redmoon Server.

Do you have SQL2000 installed and running on that machine? If not, please go ahead and do that.

After that, run LocalSetupDB.cmd and if everything worked out, it should work, and you'll see the Redmoon database in Enterprise Manager.

If that doesnt work, make sure you have the files redmoon_Data.MDF and redmoon_Log.LDF in the same folder as the cmd files.

Let me know how it turns out,
Ok, that worked great. I was trying to work out of C:\Redmoon and C:\Redmoon server...the rename fixed that problem. Now I have 2 more:

After I get to the point where you load svMapCenter.exe..I get a rectangle box with Mapcenter start time, current user/max user 0/0, ok, cancel, update ucount and send...that's it, nothing happens. I hit send, it asks if i really want to...but nothing happens. If that's wrong, I don't see where I could have went wrong, the ODBC tested out successful.

One more, I double click the RMServerMgr.exe, it comes up with all the right buttons, so I hit server all start...nothing happens. Is something supposed to happen? These last two things are all that's needed to be up and running.

I try to backtrack to where these two things would go wrong, but everything else has come out successfully (thanks to your earlier suggestion).
The svMapCenter.exe just has to run. You need that running to actually start running the server. Then you have to open the RMServerMGR.exe to load the maps. There is a file in your Redmoon server folder -> RMServerMgr -> Config -> RMSvrScript.ini where you can choose which maps to load when you hit Run. That should fix it.
RMSrvScript.ini is basically one big bat/cmd file, only it is prefixed with a Directory variable. You need to make sure the first line has your RM server folder in the right place, and you need to make sure it ends with a \, otherwise it will not load the servers properly.