News from BRZGunz

I won't go back, I'm not hypocrite =|
I hate LevelUp Games for their previows decision and I will always do. I don't change my mind as easy as you do. LUG sucks, and they'll always suck.

Now stfu and keep working on your server, or don't. xD
I won't give up of mine.
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Finally !!!!!!!

LEVELUPGAMES made BRZGunz Free to play!!!

And cash items are forever..

1. who cares?
. a) we are not brasilians so who gives a fuk?
. b) why share? go share with ur br friends, like I said above, we arent br so we dont give a fuk >.>
2. levelup is too late, all 50 brasilians are in either ijji or private servers

yeah, 50. only 50 brasilians play it
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Are there brazilians can join IjjiServers?

Yeah, it's pointless to post it here, first because many servers won't give up, second many people won't go back to levelup anymore, third that it still sucks, I will never play Gunz without premium items again :3
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