<<NO-IP>> Easy, Fast Guide

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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Area 51

1. No-ip Account

This allows you to be able to update your Wan IP if it changes.

open your browser and go to

then follow these screens, again, circles indicate options you should pick or links you should click.

U must register an account at

(IMG: )
click on here to signup (its free), then fill out the info that it wants, go to your email and click the activation link

(IMG: )
then once your logged in, click this link in the left hand menu

(IMG: )
fill out the info on this page, but make sure you click the DNS Host (A), and keep no-ip.info in that drop down menu.

(IMG: )
once you finish you need to download their program, so click on that link, then on the windows button and follow the next screen:

(IMG: )
install it and you are done.

2. Run the NO-IP DUC ankd chec the box right beside the host u make then exit...

3. Put it in your


// Character Server IP
// The character server exports this IP address to the entire world.
// NOTE: You should only need to set this if you are running behind a
// firewall or are on a machine with multiple interfaces.
char_ip: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX <<<< change to NO-IP host that you make


// Map Server IP
// The map server exports this IP address to the entire world.
// NOTE: You should only need to set this if you are running behind a
// firewall or are on a machine with multiple interfaces.
map_ip: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX <<<< change to NO-IP host that you make


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>


<desc>Ragnarok Client Information - Taiwan Version</desc>


<address>NO-IP host that you make</address>


5. Always update your NO-IP DUC

=) chiao..
i have done this thing....

and how to setup it..??
this no ip have the option ...which one should

be change and which one not be change?
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zzzzz...about this no-ip it does'nt work to me ....
i wonder why...i have done it correctly ...but still failed..
i tested my ip edi...and my friend cant connect ...
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try to create new host then remove the first host you made...

update the new host u make then

put it in you char_athena and map_athena and in your sclientinfo..

that sure make it connects
i think i know whts the problem...im using the default custom sakexe...
and in tht custom sakexe it not have the DNS support...any kind here would like to donate me tht custom sakexe tht have DNS support??i will really appreciate it..thks...
p/s sorry for double post @@'
uhhh....so hard woh u go old file svn ah more easy no need new hexed =.=....about download if u have download then run no-ip duc then put that ip lo...sure all ppl can in =.=
i have make my own hexed client using the diff patcher but...it's error...
im currently using svn 9909 txt stable...[anyone here have the
custom sakexe tht have DNS SUPPORT?? Pls Giv it TO ME i rreally appreaciate it :D thankx..
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umm... if you write what error you get it helps alot. since the sakexe might not be working with your version of the SVN or similar. So yea, if you say you get errors, show WHAT error you get or you'll never be able to get a correct answer
hey...it said tht the diff 2006-12-18 is work with my svn txt stable 9909...and i have putted the DNS Support to my hexed client ...but the problem is im facing
error when i try to logging to char select...
it's gravity error...

Module Name: D:\Program Files\Gravity\RagnarokOnline\MorpRO.exe
Time Stamp: 0x453482bc - Tue Oct 17 15:14:04 2006

Exception Type: 0xc0000005

0x004c4496 MorpRO.exe
0x0045a063 MorpRO.exe
0x004c57b4 MorpRO.exe
0x004c7b98 MorpRO.exe
0x00596e99 MorpRO.exe
0x00596984 MorpRO.exe
0x00646d24 MorpRO.exe
0x00666f56 MorpRO.exe
0x7c816d4f kernel32.dll

eax: 0x0012fb88 ebx: 0x0186b008
ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x0012fb88
esi: 0x00000000 edi: 0x000000f5
ebp: 0x0012fb28 esp: 0x0012fb28

stack 0012fb28 - 0012ff28
0012FB28 : 8C FB 12 00 63 A0 45 00 88 FB 12 00 84 FB 12 00
0012FB38 : 48 73 4C 01 08 B0 86 01 88 85 73 00 3C F9 68 01
0012FB48 : FF FF FF FF 58 FF 7F 3F 98 F8 68 01 94 FB 12 00
0012FB58 : BC FB 12 00 C6 7D 41 00 98 F8 68 01 01 02 00 00
0012FB68 : 00 00 00 00 52 00 00 00 88 85 73 00 00 00 00 00
0012FB78 : 00 00 16 44 AC C5 27 37 58 FF 7F 3F 00 00 00 00
0012FB88 : FF FF FF FF A0 FB 12 00 B4 57 4C 00 48 73 4C 01
0012FB98 : 08 B0 86 01 88 85 73 00 D8 FB 12 00 98 7B 4C 00
0012FBA8 : 00 00 00 00 A0 37 7E 01 88 85 73 00 5B 4E B4 76
0012FBB8 : 00 00 00 00 F0 FB 12 00 45 7C 4C 00 00 00 00 44
0012FBC8 : 00 00 00 00 20 03 00 00 58 02 00 00 08 4F 71 00
0012FBD8 : F0 FB 12 00 99 6E 59 00 9A 85 73 00 A0 37 7E 01
0012FBE8 : 18 C5 6A 00 18 FC 12 00 18 FC 12 00 84 69 59 00
0012FBF8 : C2 85 73 00 0C 04 4F 00 00 00 00 00 D4 C4 6A 00
0012FC08 : 01 00 00 00 B0 FF 12 00 B6 E3 67 00 FF FF FF FF
0012FC18 : 34 FF 12 00 24 6D 64 00 00 00 00 00 A0 37 7E 01

Launch Info
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Job : Novice
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if u dont know pls dont post ..u just spam this thread...i hate spammer..

p/s pls send me ur hexed client tht have DNS Support ...i really neeed it badly ... thanks..

true, I hate spammers as well, but sorry to say, you almost spam more than he does.

Anyway, my suggestion: update kro and sakray. and make sure the diff patch you use works with the sakexe. and stop asking for it and make threads of it. They'll all get deleted.
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