no-one can get in ?

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
Ok this is starting to get on my nerves. how is it that only i can log into my server but no-one else can, this is weird i need help on this. anything to get my freind to log in,

My connection info: wireless... im sure even if i'm wireless ppl can login.
Things to check:

1. Make sure your using your WAN IP and not your routers IP (I made that mistake once ^^)
2. Make sure that your users have the same system.mrs as you IP is not enough since without the same files they get an error on login
3. The old one about ports check and check again, infact if it is possible open all ports for just a breif period of time to see if you users can connect then you will know that it is the problem if they still can't connect change it back asap.
4. Windows Firewall/Misc Firewalls tend to allow any local activity but give trouble when an external IP wants to connect disable anything you have like that test it and if it doesn't work put it back asap.

Let me know, GL.

EDIT: Just a note it could be a combination of the above just keep that in mind.
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Ok il check out my firewall, and my WAN IP? i dn think i'l be able to login myself =S


(i fixed my edit)

edit Nope i tryed my WAN Ip i could not even login
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What I did to fix problems like this:
1. Forward Ports 1 - 10000 on your server system.
2. Disable your Windows firewall, also your router's.
3. Ask your users to use DavD Runnable instead of your client.
4. Make sure your users are connecting to your WAN IP.
5. Make sure you are connecting to your Network IP.

I actually did not need to do any of that to make it work, except the port forwarding of course.
But as I hear from people, they say doing this helps.
I do still have the Agent Unavailable Error though.

I have a WRT54G Linksys G-Broadband Router also, this router causes many problems with port forwarding according to me and many other users who reviewed this model.
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EDIT: Damn it even WITH the DavD exe nobody can login, i have a WBR-1310 model but im sure the model has nothing to do with this. if you can explain a bit more on the port fowarding than it can probly help more, and hey can you add me on msn? so i dont have to always post here?

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