sorry offtopic, but i got the feeling that i must inform
We (DaVD & [HTT]) are serious game developers that make/edit games to make them playable and fun for everyone. I understand 50x exp sounds fun in some peoples ears but it gets very boring after 2 days. So we listen to what people want and take the time to make what they want.
Their will be a very proffesional server online soon. Why is this server unique:
- normal exp rate
- double bounty rate
- good shop
We added all the good looking and serieus items we can get our hands on and added them to the shop. The big difference between our shop and the one from other server is that everything is on the right place and you can buy multiple weapons/clothes every 2/3 levels you go up. You should understand why we putted double bounty in it by now

This server is a project of DaVD Projects and Hell Team Technologys (partnership)
DaVD Projects:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
(register possible after release)
[Bepetemish = founder]
[Razor = co-founder]
Hell Team Technologys:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
red_devil_xxx = founder]
If you want to know more or got some things you want to know before the server is released for the public let me know by pming me on this forum.
[name] <== important members
I hope this is what you want to hear RandomRoll..
And sorry for getting so offtopic
Ps. i want react on flaming reactions to this post.