nodeWatcher [Logo design]

Dec 5, 2004
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Well, it has been a while since I didn't do anything related to design, so don't spec something good. :P
This is a logo for my own project called "nodeWatcher", is basically a server monitoring desktop application, for now I'm starting with gameserver (HL servers) so I can familirize with nodejs and node-webkit. For now i've the entire core codded, i'm now working with the UX part

The logo is ment to look like a very distorted eye
Jhewt - nodeWatcher [Logo design] - RaGEZONE Forums

I'll be posting the final UX soon
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I love the logo but I'm not pretty keen with the design which suppose to be the letter "O" in the text "node" but it's pretty special and outstanding!
the metallic concept is GUD!!