Normal players can't use lvl 99 commands

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
I noticed that none of the normal players are able to use commands such as /go and /who which are all lvl 99 access commands. I tried this with a normal character and it says that I don't have a high enough access level to use it. I tried to change the access level in command.ini but that didn't work either. Any help on this would be appreciated. I'm using the latest revision 25.
Um, and where the hell do I find that? I don't see anywhere that says there's a revision 27. All I see is the one in the mega guide.:nono:

Also even if I do get the version, how can I know that the problem with normal players unable to use commands have been fixed?
That is an easy fix I can't remember who told me how to fix it but all of the credit goes to them...Just rename the command.ini file to commands.ini and there you go that easy.
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