Normal Users can fly in Stone Ruins without DC, but in FreeSKA they get DC, thats why the new registered Users always get DC because they first land on FreeSKA.
I'm using EP2 Server.
if i logged into Admin Account and land on FreeSKA, there is a Problem: ERR: (T_FC_INFO_GET_CURRENT_MAP_INFO),(ERR_MAP_CHECKSUM_NOT_MATCHED)[2003][0]
Thats why the normal users get directly DC when they get into FreeSKA.
i hope someone can help me
I'm using EP2 Server.
if i logged into Admin Account and land on FreeSKA, there is a Problem: ERR: (T_FC_INFO_GET_CURRENT_MAP_INFO),(ERR_MAP_CHECKSUM_NOT_MATCHED)[2003][0]
Thats why the normal users get directly DC when they get into FreeSKA.
i hope someone can help me