not for the easily offended (twin towers scary)

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 4, 2004
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just seen this weird ass picture thought i might share it with you scares me a little.


  • untitled - not for the easily offended (twin towers scary) - RaGEZONE Forums
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Thats really scary!!! Where did you find that?
i found it on kazaa after looking at the ayrton seena crash :/ i think i'm ill.

more importantly L3thal damn u ur siggy just made me choke on a foxs mint i like it :)
Yeah saw that after it had happened. Of course it's fake ;)
Hmm, never seen that before, would've been on the news by now. If so that was real, probably one soul of the people that died that tragic day.
al Qaeda

i fkin hate al Qaeda the people who done the attacks on the world trade center it fks me off so much n bring a tear to my eye

the people on them airplanes got told by the terrist that there gonna die how would u feel if u got told ur gonna die?

and many people died tryin rescue the people traped its so fkin gay that people die tryin to rescue other people in the attacks

and that world trade center collaped killin loads of people


:( :( this pisses me off so much n bring a tear to my eye i had a friend who died in the WTC and no one can replace him
tbh the american government brought it on themselves

unless you knew the people who died i dont think you should have emotional attachment to them either :/

ppl die everyday, if you take an event like this and glorify their deaths your disrespecting everyone else who dies in similar fashion >.<

and think of it from the "terrorists" point of view, their just fighting a war, dieing for their cause, however awful it is its the same as any1 fighting for their beliefs

bu dont get me wrong i dont agree with bringing civilians into a fight at all

just saying dont feel bad because your told to feel bad :)
Exclamatio said:
tbh the american government brought it on themselves

unless you knew the people who died i dont think you should have emotional attachment to them either :/

ppl die everyday, if you take an event like this and glorify their deaths your disrespecting everyone else who dies in similar fashion >.<

and think of it from the "terrorists" point of view, their just fighting a war, dieing for their cause, however awful it is its the same as any1 fighting for their beliefs

bu dont get me wrong i dont agree with bringing civilians into a fight at all

just saying dont feel bad because your told to feel bad :)

They Attacked The WTC Because The Americans Wouldn't Go To War With The Jewish Population In Israel Over The Palenstine Situation.

They Totally Broke Every Rule Islam Stands For.
People Should Not Call Them Islamic Extremists As Some Of My Close Friends Are Islamic And Condemn This Shit.

The Madrid Thing Was Totally Uncalled For
yeah also america has been supplying israel with weapons that have been used to fight the palastinians, if it wernt for the american intervention itd be a very different story over there ><

a lot of the people who have real power in america are after all jewish, its kinda expected from them to intervene but thats where the hatred is stemming from they feel america has no right to help isreal

amongst other things of course, things are never simple ><
In my honest opinion..... I just dont see how any relegion can condone murder.... And yet these people claim they are doing these things in the name of god? Why would god want us to kill each other?

I dont want to sound totally narrow minded and i fully understand that 95% of the worlds population all belive in a relgion in some for or another. But wouldent the world be a much better place without religon?

I was born and raised a roman catholic. Even went to a convent school. Through all my years there i never could quite understand why it was being litterly TOLD all of this stuff and made for it to be the truth.. I just thought "bollocks to it.... ive got a mind of my own... i dont need to be told things that have no real evidence of being true". Im sure this will seem very offencive to people of any relgion... but in my honest opinion, i just think the world would be a better place without it.

K the alchol is wearing off now.... getting bored of writing this :eek:
The day it happened, our City Hall was very alert and lots of places were closed and streets were blocked.