The Unbeatable
I don't know these guys really, i started a alliance with the guy called Paul for Kings of Chaos, and Jay is a irl friend of Paul, is a member of that alliance, and is pretty much a homophobe :tp:
20-1-2004 3:39:06 Paul: Jay your a prick
20-1-2004 3:39:17 Jay: ohh
20-1-2004 3:39:31 Jay: where exactly r ufrom
20-1-2004 3:39:40 GohanSSJ: look its 1 one of the symptons you get from when you are gay
20-1-2004 3:39:45 GohanSSJ: the Netherlands
20-1-2004 3:39:56 Paul: thats where peter pan lives
20-1-2004 3:40:01 Paul: J/K
20-1-2004 3:40:06 Jay: eww thats gay
20-1-2004 3:40:11 Jay: peter pansh
20-1-2004 3:40:30 GohanSSJ: michael jackson is a peter pan fan, and we all know about him
20-1-2004 3:40:39 Jay: not me i get my pusyy all i gotta do is pick up the phone n dial numbers
20-1-2004 3:40:39 Paul: :'(
20-1-2004 3:40:55 Paul: yeah always calling hockers
20-1-2004 3:41:01 Paul: hooker
20-1-2004 3:41:02 GohanSSJ: lol
20-1-2004 3:41:04 Jay: Paul why u talkin shit
20-1-2004 3:41:16 Jay: u know me too well
20-1-2004 3:41:26 Jay: tryn show of to your new boyfrienc
20-1-2004 3:41:30 Jay: boyfriend
20-1-2004 3:42:02 GohanSSJ: look Jay, i know that if you grow up being gay then you think it's normal and that everyone is it, but really, not everyone is gay
20-1-2004 3:42:09 GohanSSJ: im one of them
20-1-2004 3:42:16 GohanSSJ: i cant vouch for him though...
20-1-2004 3:42:25 Jay: nah son u dead wrong
20-1-2004 3:42:29 Jay: u probly gay
20-1-2004 3:42:38 Jay: livin in the nethelands
20-1-2004 3:42:50 Jay: thats where it all started
20-1-2004 3:42:53 Jay: i could imagin
20-1-2004 3:42:56 Paul: ^o)
20-1-2004 3:43:06 Jay: my dick only touches pussy
20-1-2004 3:43:14 GohanSSJ: ewww animal lover...
20-1-2004 3:43:19 Jay: your ass be takin too much
20-1-2004 3:43:27 Jay: human girls pusyy
20-1-2004 3:43:34 Paul: gay DROP THE FUCKING GAY SHIT
20-1-2004 3:43:40 Paul: Jay
20-1-2004 3:44:03 Jay: i love pussy
20-1-2004 3:44:15 Jay: i eat it all day
20-1-2004 3:44:26 GohanSSJ: imo he talks about it to much, clearly signs of being in the closet
20-1-2004 3:44:39 Jay: hahaha
20-1-2004 3:44:43 Jay: nah thats u
20-1-2004 3:44:50 Jay: rincans do do that
20-1-2004 3:44:59 Jay: we get r shit right Paul
20-1-2004 3:45:01 Jay: from juncos
20-1-2004 3:45:30 Jay: de caserio
20-1-2004 3:45:36 GohanSSJ: look i don't know about your storys and all, but i know it when someone is gay, you see i got this gaydar, and it's been beeping since you added me on msn
20-1-2004 3:45:37 Paul: JASON!!!!!!!!!
20-1-2004 3:45:52 Jay: hey Paul u pushed me too far
20-1-2004 3:46:02 Jay: i sujest u stop talkin shit
20-1-2004 3:46:17 Paul: i was never talking u stupid FUCK!!!!!!!!
20-1-2004 3:46:36 Jay: read up
20-1-2004 3:46:37 Paul: now drop it done be talking about my girl
20-1-2004 3:46:42 Paul: dont
20-1-2004 3:46:49 Jay: hes hirt
20-1-2004 3:47:00 Paul:
20-1-2004 3:47:03 Paul: ^o)
20-1-2004 3:47:08 Jay: yo
20-1-2004 3:47:18 Jay: gohan u wanna stop dissin or what
20-1-2004 3:47:29 Jay: cuz i could go on
20-1-2004 3:47:32 GohanSSJ: you tell me, you coming out of the closet?
20-1-2004 3:47:52 Paul: OMG here we go again well if u cangt beat them join them
20-1-2004 3:47:54 Jay: nah son
20-1-2004 3:48:04 Jay: yo
20-1-2004 3:48:06 Paul: Jay im going to your house today to have some FUN!
20-1-2004 3:48:18 Jay: what the fuck man
20-1-2004 3:48:23 Paul: (K)
20-1-2004 3:48:35 Jay: u see he turned gay
20-1-2004 3:49:25 GohanSSJ: why do you think about homosexual activitys the second he talks about coming over to your house?
20-1-2004 3:49:41 GohanSSJ: you know when a friend of mine says that then i wont think about that....
20-1-2004 3:49:44 Jay: hes throwin a kiss man
20-1-2004 3:49:48 Jay: look at it
20-1-2004 3:49:58 Jay: look at the emotion
20-1-2004 3:50:00 GohanSSJ: only because you like it!!
20-1-2004 3:50:07 Jay: nah man
20-1-2004 3:50:12 Jay: thats a gay seduction
20-1-2004 3:50:18 Jay: shit
20-1-2004 3:50:20 Paul: ({)
20-1-2004 3:50:23 GohanSSJ: yup, and thats why you like it
20-1-2004 3:50:24 Jay: if it where a girl
20-1-2004 3:50:29 Jay: i wouldn mine
20-1-2004 3:51:04 GohanSSJ: oh man this guy is so far in the closet, he doesnt even know where to find the exit even if he would wanted to come out...
20-1-2004 3:51:15 Paul: LOL\
20-1-2004 3:51:33 Jay: gohan u fucked up man
20-1-2004 3:51:35 Jay: lol
20-1-2004 3:51:44 GohanSSJ: am i? why is that?
20-1-2004 3:51:56 Jay: cuz u talkin madd shit
20-1-2004 3:52:02 Jay: u gett me tired
20-1-2004 3:52:15 Jay: u dont even knwo me
20-1-2004 3:52:25 GohanSSJ: no thats because you have been jacking off because i talk about gay people...
20-1-2004 3:52:44 GohanSSJ: i know i dont, but the gaydar doesn't lie
20-1-2004 3:52:54 Jay: gaydar??
20-1-2004 3:52:59 Jay: what the fuk is that
20-1-2004 3:53:28 GohanSSJ: it's a radar that detects gay activity, its been beeping since you added me to msn
20-1-2004 3:53:58 Jay: your radar is off wrong
20-1-2004 3:54:04 Jay: cuz im not gay
20-1-2004 3:54:19 Jay: i nver was gay im never been gay
20-1-2004 3:54:22 Jay: im not gay
20-1-2004 3:54:22 GohanSSJ: yes and every guy in jail is innocent...
20-1-2004 3:54:38 Jay: q. cabron
20-1-2004 3:54:44 GohanSSJ: eh?
20-1-2004 3:54:57 Jay: that means that your an asshole
20-1-2004 3:55:22 GohanSSJ: i see, my question to you is why do you start about assholes, do you fancy them?
20-1-2004 3:55:42 Jay: no
20-1-2004 3:55:47 Jay: yo
20-1-2004 3:55:53 Jay: im tired of this bullshit
20-1-2004 3:55:56 Jay: are u done
20-1-2004 3:56:30 GohanSSJ: i havent even started yet, so i guess we could decide to not start anything...
20-1-2004 3:56:51 Jay: nah because your gettin very anoyin
20-1-2004 3:57:10 GohanSSJ: then again your easily annoyed
20-1-2004 3:57:29 Jay: r u done man
20-1-2004 3:57:36 Jay: beacasue im still waitin
20-1-2004 3:57:47 GohanSSJ: well dont hold your breath
20-1-2004 3:58:06 Jay: anyways Paul is just watchin the battle
20-1-2004 3:58:36 GohanSSJ: battle? is that how gay people call the strugle of coming of the closet?
20-1-2004 3:58:48 Jay: what the fuk man
20-1-2004 3:58:59 Jay: r u gonna keep on with this bullshit
20-1-2004 3:59:09 GohanSSJ: look man im just messing with your head
20-1-2004 3:59:21 Jay: ive had enuf
20-1-2004 3:59:26 GohanSSJ: i do that to people all the time, purely for fun, dont get all crazy about it
20-1-2004 3:59:55 Jay: your just like Paul
20-1-2004 4:00:00 Jay: he does that same bullshit
20-1-2004 4:00:01 GohanSSJ: straight?
Wouldn't it be great to have a person like Jay on this forum.
20-1-2004 3:39:06 Paul: Jay your a prick
20-1-2004 3:39:17 Jay: ohh
20-1-2004 3:39:31 Jay: where exactly r ufrom
20-1-2004 3:39:40 GohanSSJ: look its 1 one of the symptons you get from when you are gay
20-1-2004 3:39:45 GohanSSJ: the Netherlands
20-1-2004 3:39:56 Paul: thats where peter pan lives
20-1-2004 3:40:01 Paul: J/K
20-1-2004 3:40:06 Jay: eww thats gay
20-1-2004 3:40:11 Jay: peter pansh
20-1-2004 3:40:30 GohanSSJ: michael jackson is a peter pan fan, and we all know about him
20-1-2004 3:40:39 Jay: not me i get my pusyy all i gotta do is pick up the phone n dial numbers
20-1-2004 3:40:39 Paul: :'(
20-1-2004 3:40:55 Paul: yeah always calling hockers
20-1-2004 3:41:01 Paul: hooker
20-1-2004 3:41:02 GohanSSJ: lol
20-1-2004 3:41:04 Jay: Paul why u talkin shit
20-1-2004 3:41:16 Jay: u know me too well
20-1-2004 3:41:26 Jay: tryn show of to your new boyfrienc
20-1-2004 3:41:30 Jay: boyfriend
20-1-2004 3:42:02 GohanSSJ: look Jay, i know that if you grow up being gay then you think it's normal and that everyone is it, but really, not everyone is gay
20-1-2004 3:42:09 GohanSSJ: im one of them
20-1-2004 3:42:16 GohanSSJ: i cant vouch for him though...
20-1-2004 3:42:25 Jay: nah son u dead wrong
20-1-2004 3:42:29 Jay: u probly gay
20-1-2004 3:42:38 Jay: livin in the nethelands
20-1-2004 3:42:50 Jay: thats where it all started
20-1-2004 3:42:53 Jay: i could imagin
20-1-2004 3:42:56 Paul: ^o)
20-1-2004 3:43:06 Jay: my dick only touches pussy
20-1-2004 3:43:14 GohanSSJ: ewww animal lover...
20-1-2004 3:43:19 Jay: your ass be takin too much
20-1-2004 3:43:27 Jay: human girls pusyy
20-1-2004 3:43:34 Paul: gay DROP THE FUCKING GAY SHIT
20-1-2004 3:43:40 Paul: Jay
20-1-2004 3:44:03 Jay: i love pussy
20-1-2004 3:44:15 Jay: i eat it all day
20-1-2004 3:44:26 GohanSSJ: imo he talks about it to much, clearly signs of being in the closet
20-1-2004 3:44:39 Jay: hahaha
20-1-2004 3:44:43 Jay: nah thats u
20-1-2004 3:44:50 Jay: rincans do do that
20-1-2004 3:44:59 Jay: we get r shit right Paul
20-1-2004 3:45:01 Jay: from juncos
20-1-2004 3:45:30 Jay: de caserio
20-1-2004 3:45:36 GohanSSJ: look i don't know about your storys and all, but i know it when someone is gay, you see i got this gaydar, and it's been beeping since you added me on msn
20-1-2004 3:45:37 Paul: JASON!!!!!!!!!
20-1-2004 3:45:52 Jay: hey Paul u pushed me too far
20-1-2004 3:46:02 Jay: i sujest u stop talkin shit
20-1-2004 3:46:17 Paul: i was never talking u stupid FUCK!!!!!!!!
20-1-2004 3:46:36 Jay: read up
20-1-2004 3:46:37 Paul: now drop it done be talking about my girl
20-1-2004 3:46:42 Paul: dont
20-1-2004 3:46:49 Jay: hes hirt
20-1-2004 3:47:00 Paul:
20-1-2004 3:47:03 Paul: ^o)
20-1-2004 3:47:08 Jay: yo
20-1-2004 3:47:18 Jay: gohan u wanna stop dissin or what
20-1-2004 3:47:29 Jay: cuz i could go on
20-1-2004 3:47:32 GohanSSJ: you tell me, you coming out of the closet?
20-1-2004 3:47:52 Paul: OMG here we go again well if u cangt beat them join them
20-1-2004 3:47:54 Jay: nah son
20-1-2004 3:48:04 Jay: yo
20-1-2004 3:48:06 Paul: Jay im going to your house today to have some FUN!
20-1-2004 3:48:18 Jay: what the fuck man
20-1-2004 3:48:23 Paul: (K)
20-1-2004 3:48:35 Jay: u see he turned gay
20-1-2004 3:49:25 GohanSSJ: why do you think about homosexual activitys the second he talks about coming over to your house?
20-1-2004 3:49:41 GohanSSJ: you know when a friend of mine says that then i wont think about that....
20-1-2004 3:49:44 Jay: hes throwin a kiss man
20-1-2004 3:49:48 Jay: look at it
20-1-2004 3:49:58 Jay: look at the emotion
20-1-2004 3:50:00 GohanSSJ: only because you like it!!
20-1-2004 3:50:07 Jay: nah man
20-1-2004 3:50:12 Jay: thats a gay seduction
20-1-2004 3:50:18 Jay: shit
20-1-2004 3:50:20 Paul: ({)
20-1-2004 3:50:23 GohanSSJ: yup, and thats why you like it
20-1-2004 3:50:24 Jay: if it where a girl
20-1-2004 3:50:29 Jay: i wouldn mine
20-1-2004 3:51:04 GohanSSJ: oh man this guy is so far in the closet, he doesnt even know where to find the exit even if he would wanted to come out...
20-1-2004 3:51:15 Paul: LOL\
20-1-2004 3:51:33 Jay: gohan u fucked up man
20-1-2004 3:51:35 Jay: lol
20-1-2004 3:51:44 GohanSSJ: am i? why is that?
20-1-2004 3:51:56 Jay: cuz u talkin madd shit
20-1-2004 3:52:02 Jay: u gett me tired
20-1-2004 3:52:15 Jay: u dont even knwo me
20-1-2004 3:52:25 GohanSSJ: no thats because you have been jacking off because i talk about gay people...
20-1-2004 3:52:44 GohanSSJ: i know i dont, but the gaydar doesn't lie
20-1-2004 3:52:54 Jay: gaydar??
20-1-2004 3:52:59 Jay: what the fuk is that
20-1-2004 3:53:28 GohanSSJ: it's a radar that detects gay activity, its been beeping since you added me to msn
20-1-2004 3:53:58 Jay: your radar is off wrong
20-1-2004 3:54:04 Jay: cuz im not gay
20-1-2004 3:54:19 Jay: i nver was gay im never been gay
20-1-2004 3:54:22 Jay: im not gay
20-1-2004 3:54:22 GohanSSJ: yes and every guy in jail is innocent...
20-1-2004 3:54:38 Jay: q. cabron
20-1-2004 3:54:44 GohanSSJ: eh?
20-1-2004 3:54:57 Jay: that means that your an asshole
20-1-2004 3:55:22 GohanSSJ: i see, my question to you is why do you start about assholes, do you fancy them?
20-1-2004 3:55:42 Jay: no
20-1-2004 3:55:47 Jay: yo
20-1-2004 3:55:53 Jay: im tired of this bullshit
20-1-2004 3:55:56 Jay: are u done
20-1-2004 3:56:30 GohanSSJ: i havent even started yet, so i guess we could decide to not start anything...
20-1-2004 3:56:51 Jay: nah because your gettin very anoyin
20-1-2004 3:57:10 GohanSSJ: then again your easily annoyed
20-1-2004 3:57:29 Jay: r u done man
20-1-2004 3:57:36 Jay: beacasue im still waitin
20-1-2004 3:57:47 GohanSSJ: well dont hold your breath
20-1-2004 3:58:06 Jay: anyways Paul is just watchin the battle
20-1-2004 3:58:36 GohanSSJ: battle? is that how gay people call the strugle of coming of the closet?
20-1-2004 3:58:48 Jay: what the fuk man
20-1-2004 3:58:59 Jay: r u gonna keep on with this bullshit
20-1-2004 3:59:09 GohanSSJ: look man im just messing with your head
20-1-2004 3:59:21 Jay: ive had enuf
20-1-2004 3:59:26 GohanSSJ: i do that to people all the time, purely for fun, dont get all crazy about it
20-1-2004 3:59:55 Jay: your just like Paul
20-1-2004 4:00:00 Jay: he does that same bullshit
20-1-2004 4:00:01 GohanSSJ: straight?
Wouldn't it be great to have a person like Jay on this forum.
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