Well, here's kind of a public warning about releasing your servers to a wide audience.
Rhaon/Nowcom has now shut down the two biggest Tales Runner servers, Aeon and Prizma Talesrunner.
Actions are now being taken against Tales Runner private servers
They've already proceeded to shut down the majority of Thai ones, and now they seem to be targeting some of the bigger English servers as well.
Now this doesn't exactly apply to every server opening, but I think its just to know there's now a higher chance of possible cease and desists letters being sent to you.
I hope you all know that private servers are illegal, as you are owning (and possibility profiting) off a copy of a a server you don't legally own.
So be warned when you think about opening up to donations (for items of course) or opening to a public audience.
The message usually comes from a fellow named Jin. They also contact through facebook.
then probably a contract like this
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