NPC's keep dissapearing

Initiate Mage
Feb 16, 2013
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Hello.I'm facing such a bug that i've never seen it in my entire life.
When i Enter the game .. Creating a normal account starting from the beginning (level1)
Get my stuffs and go outside and get lv 7
From now on i have to go to Fort
When i teleport to fort i cannot see anybody or any npcs or can't even talk in the game
I knew how to fix that aswell
To fix this i have to do the following
1.Going outside The fort (At lv 20 Demon MOnsters) and Alt + Shift + Del And end the game
Relogin and it's working :O
When i go running from fort ramp To the city everything is fine! and Players are there also npcs
But if i Logged out from The Account while iam in fort and relogin
I face the same bug
Also everytime i use the fort teleporter i Face the same bug
So what's the solution
P.s that was in windows 7
that was back in bango
But now i just download zoo online
And im facing the same bug !
But there's an extra bug here
when iam going to the fort from ramp i get c/l but still seeing all the players and etc and alt ctr dl and relog inthere and the same bug i don't see anyshit
However now i moved to win 8.1
and its the same!
Some told me it was about graphic driver
and my graphic driver is up to date already
Maybe you guys could have seen some like this bug before?

Those screenshots was from bangokal

And those are from Zoo

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