Oeps Sipher got owned

Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
litlle convo from irc, this is what you get when both dan and me come after ya :D
laughed my ass of btw :D

[ 20:08 ] < DeadlyEagle > bak above sipher
[ 20:08 ] < DeadlyEagle > sipher
[ 20:08 ] < Sipher > yah
[ 20:08 ] < DeadlyEagle > whats it like downthere?
[ 20:08 ] < DeadlyEagle > :p
[ 20:08 ] < Sipher > rofl
[ 20:08 ] < Sipher > dunno ur up ere aswell
[ 20:08 ] < Sipher > ask ur self :P
[ 20:08 ] < bLekii > here its 3pm
[ 20:08 ] < bLekii > lol
[ 20:08 ] < bLekii > HEUaEHAUHUEaHueaUHeaHUeaHUea { 157 **
[ 20:08 ] < bLekii > hehe
[ 20:09 ] < DeadlyEagle > fine on my spot
[ 20:09 ] < DeadlyEagle > but ur a litlle lower...no? =D
[ 20:09 ] < Sipher > o.O MentaL is on top of DeadlyEagle
[ 20:09 ] < Sipher > o_O
[ 20:09 ] < DeadlyEagle > thats not mental thats a bot ;)
[ 20:09 ] < Sipher > that is mental u fool
[ 20:09 ] < Sipher > lol
[ 20:09 ] < DeadlyEagle > no
[ 20:09 ] < DeadlyEagle > bot!
[ 20:09 ] < Sipher > its mental ffs
[ 20:10 ] < Sipher > he left his irc on coz i told him too last nite
[ 20:10 ] < DeadlyEagle > bot!
[ 20:10 ] < DeadlyEagle > botbotbot!
[ 20:10 ] < Gino > you are swearing
[ 20:10 ] < Sipher > look its registered nick
[ 20:10 ] < DeadlyEagle > ops can swear
[ 20:10 ] < DeadlyEagle > bots can register
[ 20:10 ] < Mistique > lol
[ 20:10 ] < Sipher > omg
20:10 ] < Sipher > wat will mental use?
[ 20:10 ] < Sipher > mental1
[ 20:10 ] < Sipher > that nickname?/
[ 20:10 ] < Mistique > ragezone is bot
[ 20:10 ] < Gino > lol
[ 20:10 ] < Sipher > ragezone is bot
[ 20:10 ] < Sipher > MentaL aint bot
[ 20:11 ] < Mistique > he is bot #2
[ 20:11 ] < Mistique > ;p
[ 20:11 ] <<----------- DeadlyEagle was kicked: ( MentaL is not a bot, RaGEZONE is, ph3r meh!) ( Sipher )
[ 20:11 ] ----------->> DeadlyEagle ( *!*@rage-9A01049.kabel.telenet.be )
*** Topic is '"
Was that yesterday? I mustve left when that was going on, lol! Sipher is probably all pist, hasn't come in here yet, hahahaha
bitch mofo's.... il get u 2...specially mental ... and deadly eagle... grrr "fireball" dont read above ... its .. its a virus!! it will blow ur pc UP! u been warned!
So funny, I'm cracking up here :laugh2:

<Sipher> InSaNiTy u bahel
<Sipher> bagel
<Hulkster> OWNED
<Sipher> Hulkster dont even say it... i knoww wat ur gonna say
<Sipher> ffs
<Hulkster> ehehe
<Sipher> Those welsh and belgium bastards are gonna pay!!!!
<Sipher> :P
<Hulkster> hahah, thats funny
<InSaNiTy> has sipher finally been owned?
<Hulkster> yea
<Sipher> twice 2day
<Sipher> fucking lamer deadlyeagle
<InSaNiTy> lmmao!!
<Hulkster> yea, such a dick
<Sipher> mental is so gayyyyyy
<InSaNiTy> heh