Offering Free Lifetime Subscription! - Details Inside

Nov 19, 2003
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Again I am offering a free lifetime subscription to the first person that figures this out.

I have a list which has an unlimited amount of unique IP addresses. I need a way to, without proxies, make those IP addresses my own. This does not have to be secure in any way, as the website this will be applied to will not check.

What this will be used for is irrelevant, so please do not ask :P.

The first person to give me a valid program that will work (it does not matter if it is a pay program, I will buy it) to my needs will receive a free lifetime subscription. There is no catch, you will get your subscription the second I see that the program works.

This thread will remain open so you can discuss amongst yourselves about a solution. If its multiple people contributing equally, you will each receive the subscriptions. Thanks in advance!

NOTE: This does not have to be a Windows-based program. It can be on Linux too!
As far as I know your ISP hands out IP addresses, but I think your asking for a program that will just make your displayed IP change but not your real IP?

Yes your ISP hands you out an IP address.

Anyways think you can run linux and then make a script that randomly changes your IP address every 1-2 seconds?

NoPeace - out
Unfortunatly I don't know the name of the software but I was wondering if anything in visual basic would do this for you? And i did find one about 2 days ago which Ghosts your IP and it will display different ones every 2-5 minuites.
I'm not trying to change my real IP address, just the one shown. I'm not going to buy anything from my ISP. A script on Linux to change them might work, but remember I have a very long list of unique IPs they need to be changed to.

You can easily import a list of data into a script in Linux. So that might make it easier to do.

NoPeace - out
I guess what you're requiring is IP Spoofing... but I'm not quite sure how you'd tackle that with a web browser...

All right... I found this application.
Other: Invisible Browsing 4.0 - Invisible Browsing masks, hide your IP addres. Related to: Bulk Link Popularity Analyzer, MMD HttpHead, Wireless Driver for Mac.

Haven't tried it, don't know if its trustworthy or not (ie. containing a trojan or worm, etc) sooo... be careful :X

**EDIT #2**
lol... didn't read it fully... I guess its proxy-driven >_<
I guess what you're requiring is IP Spoofing... but I'm not quite sure how you'd tackle that with a web browser...

All right... I found this application.
Other: Invisible Browsing 4.0 - Invisible Browsing masks, hide your IP addres. Related to: Bulk Link Popularity Analyzer, MMD HttpHead, Wireless Driver for Mac.

Haven't tried it, don't know if its trustworthy or not (ie. containing a trojan or worm, etc) sooo... be careful :X

**EDIT #2**
lol... didn't read it fully... I guess its proxy-driven >_<

Yeah it is look at my post i posted that :p
This is impossible, unless you use a VPN of some sort on a machine that DOES have access to those IP's you can't do it.

Or if the IP's belong to your ISP and they allow you to use it.

IP's are assigned to certain datacenters/ISP's and they regulate who can bind certain IP's to what.

Take this from me, I work with many linux/windows servers in many different datacenters daily.
IPs work so that the site your connected to knows where to send your data. Proxies work by redirecting this to you hiding your real IP.

From what i understand what your wanting the IP your trying to hide behind you would have no contact with. This means firstly the IP your wanting to hide behind wouldnt know what site your trying to connect to and secondly couldnt send you the data.

However if the IPs your wanting to hide behind are proxies you could find a program to skip through them.

Think about what your asking, your wanting to be able to use any IP address to hide behind. Just think what that could mean to a hacker, do you really think governments would allow anyone to do that? There would always have to be a trace back to you. So no you cant just steal other peoples IP addresses.