Official PlusEMU - Help Thread

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◝(⁰▿⁰)◜Smile◝ (⁰▿⁰)◜
May 29, 2007
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Post your help requests related to the PlusEMU emulator here.

Please use the SPOILER tags if you're going to post screenshots or a large chunk of code.
Also make sure your code is between the CODE tags to make it easier to read.

When replying to a post, QUOTE the post. There's a link under the user's post "Reply With Quote" - use it. If you're not replying to a question with quote, it will be considered as Spam.

Edit 01/05/16: Please! Make sure to add your emulator version, if it's either Habboon or any other edit, or original PlusEMU. There's a lot of PlusEmu edits out there, and we would like the questions get to be made in only one thread.
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Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

I'm having this error, anyone has had the same?

Any ideas?
Let me guess, you tried the :sit command, right?

If so...
First you need go to the Control Panel

After that click on Regional And Language Options

And then click on Personalize

And now you need to change the value of: Demical Symbol, Change it from: , TO .

And now... save & restart emulator.
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Someone help me? when I open the emulator the following error.

When I run the database by navicat gave error, help
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Someone help me? when I open the emulator the following error.

When I run the database by navicat gave error, help

Your furniture table didn't insert correctly! I am fixing mines at the moment also just re-insert furniture table in db.
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Exact! took the catalog from another post and opens normally, but still encounter errors, I believe that the database was imported evil, is there any way to fix this?
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Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Exact! took the catalog from another post and opens normally, but still encounter errors, I believe that the database was imported evil, is there any way to fix this?

I just had to go threw the furniture table in db manually and add the ones that server is showing!
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

I just had to go threw the furniture table in db manually and add the ones that server is showing!

riend, do not understand much English and the translator does not translate exactly as you say.

How do I know that the database was not fully imported

Only would these tables?
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

I have this problem and I'm not sure what I've done wrong
Anyone who knows how to fix this?

Thank you in advance
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Any CMS that supports auth_ticket so RevCMS, Uber etc.
You will find some in the Habbo Releases section!

The Database is already cleaned. Go to the main post of this topic and
press on Database and download and import..

Getting this error when I try importing the db.
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Anyone else having a problem with client? Only loads to 76%..

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Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Getting this error when I try importing the db.
Run this as a query:
SET @@global.sql_mode= '';
After that try and import db again.

Anyone else having a problem with client? Only loads to 76%..

Check your ports
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Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Someone help MEEP the badges don't show in the My Stuff to even wear them...

Yes everything is correct..

What is required_rights in badge_def
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

76% means it can't make a connection with the emulator, try disable Windows Firewall and make sure your client matches the game tcp in the EMU config and also and swf links are configured all correctly.

So I disabled windows firewall, it didn't change anything so I went ahead and checked if the game tcp matches the emu tcp and it does. No errors are shown in the emu.. Could you help me out here?

Here is the code to my client.php file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <title>{hotelName} - Client</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}/app/tpl/skins/site/styles/client.css" type="text/css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/site/js/swfobject.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var BaseUrl = "{swf_folder}";
            var flashvars =
                "client.starting" : "Please wait, the hotel is loading", 
                "client.allow.cross.domain" : "1", 
                "client.notify.cross.domain" : "0", 
                "" : "{server_ip}", 
                "" : "1232", 
                "site.url" : "{url}", 
                "url.prefix" : "{url}", 
                "client.reload.url" : "{url}/client", 
                "client.fatal.error.url" : "{url}/me", 
                "client.connection.failed.url" : "{url}/me", 
                "external.variables.txt" : "{external_vars}", 
                "external.texts.txt" : "{external_texts}", 
                "productdata.load.url" : "{product_data}", 
                "furnidata.load.url" : "{furni_data}", 
                "use.sso.ticket" : "1", 
                "sso.ticket" : "{sso}", 
                "processlog.enabled" : "0", 
                "flash.client.url" : BaseUrl, 
                "flash.client.origin" : "popup" 
            var params =
                "base" : BaseUrl + "/",
                "allowScriptAccess" : "always",
                "menu" : "false"                
            swfobject.embedSWF(BaseUrl + "/Habbo.swf", "client", "100%", "100%", "10.0.0", "{swf_folder}/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, null);
        <div id="client"></div>

Emu config:
## uberEmulator System Configuration File
## Must be edited for the server to work

## MySQL Configuration

## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections)

## Game TCP/IP Configuration

## MUS TCP/IP Configuration

## Client configuration

cms config:
if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }
#Please fill this all out.

#NOTE: To set up TheHabbos.ORG's API go to wwwroot/mysite/thehabbos_api for IIS, OR, htdocs/thehabbos_api for XAMPP and others.

*	MySQL management

$_CONFIG['mysql']['connection_type'] = 'pconnect'; //Type of connection: It must be connect, or pconnect: if you want a persistent connection.

$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host

$_CONFIG['mysql']['username'] = 'root'; //MySQL username

$_CONFIG['mysql']['password'] = '[password]'; //MySQL password

$_CONFIG['mysql']['database'] = 'hotel'; //MySQL database

$_CONFIG['mysql']['port'] = '3306'; //MySQL's port

*	Hotel management  - All URLs do not end with an "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['server_ip'] = ''; //IP of VPS/DEDI/etc

$_CONFIG['hotel']['url'] = 'http://localhost'; //Does not end with a "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] = 'Habbo'; // Hotel's name

$_CONFIG['hotel']['desc'] = 'Best hotel around!'; //Hotel's description 

$_CONFIG['hotel']['email'] = '[email protected]'; //Where the help queries from users are emailed to.@Priv skin

$_CONFIG['hotel']['in_maint'] = false; //False if hotel is NOT in maintenance. True if hotel IS in maintenance

$_CONFIG['hotel']['motto'] = 'I <3 ' . $_CONFIG['hotel']['name']; //Default motto users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['credits'] = 5000; //Default number of credits users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['pixels'] = 10000; //Default number of pixels users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['figure'] = '-'; //Default figure users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/527'; //Web_Build

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/external_variables.txt'; //URL to your external vars

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/external_flash_texts.txt'; //URL to your external texts

$_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/productdata.txt'; //URL to your productdata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/furnidata.xml'; //URL to your furnidata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['swf_folder'] = 'http://localhost/game/gordon/PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486'; //URL to your SWF folder(does not end with a '/')

*	Templating management - Pick one of our default styles or make yours by following our examples!

#RevCMS has 2 default styles, 'Mango' by dannyy94 and 'Priv' by joopie - Others styles are to come, such as RastaLulz's ProCMS style and Nominal's PhoenixCMS 4.0 style.

$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = 'site'; 

*	Other topsites.. thing

$_CONFIG['thehabbos']['username'] = 'Kryptos';
$_CONFIG['retro_top']['user'] = 'Kryptos'; 

*	Recaptcha management - Fill the information below if you have one, else leave it like that and don't worry, be happy.

$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['priv_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAABSV5px9XZlzvIPaBOGA6rQP2G43';
$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['pub_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAAAQ6kquItHl4JuTBWs-5cSKzh6DD';

*	Social Networking stuff

$_CONFIG['social']['twitter'] = 'TwitterAccount'; //Hotel's Twitter account

$_CONFIG['social']['facebook'] = 'FacebookAccount'; //Hotel's Facebook account


Screenshot of the emu:

If you or anyone here can help me, it would be great!
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

So I disabled windows firewall, it didn't change anything so I went ahead and checked if the game tcp matches the emu tcp and it does. No errors are shown in the emu.. Could you help me out here?

Here is the code to my client.php file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <title>{hotelName} - Client</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}/app/tpl/skins/site/styles/client.css" type="text/css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/site/js/swfobject.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var BaseUrl = "{swf_folder}";
            var flashvars =
                "client.starting" : "Please wait, the hotel is loading", 
                "client.allow.cross.domain" : "1", 
                "client.notify.cross.domain" : "0", 
                "" : "{server_ip}", 
                "" : "1232", 
                "site.url" : "{url}", 
                "url.prefix" : "{url}", 
                "client.reload.url" : "{url}/client", 
                "client.fatal.error.url" : "{url}/me", 
                "client.connection.failed.url" : "{url}/me", 
                "external.variables.txt" : "{external_vars}", 
                "external.texts.txt" : "{external_texts}", 
                "productdata.load.url" : "{product_data}", 
                "furnidata.load.url" : "{furni_data}", 
                "use.sso.ticket" : "1", 
                "sso.ticket" : "{sso}", 
                "processlog.enabled" : "0", 
                "flash.client.url" : BaseUrl, 
                "flash.client.origin" : "popup" 
            var params =
                "base" : BaseUrl + "/",
                "allowScriptAccess" : "always",
                "menu" : "false"                
            swfobject.embedSWF(BaseUrl + "/Habbo.swf", "client", "100%", "100%", "10.0.0", "{swf_folder}/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, null);
        <div id="client"></div>

Emu config:
## uberEmulator System Configuration File
## Must be edited for the server to work

## MySQL Configuration

## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections)

## Game TCP/IP Configuration

## MUS TCP/IP Configuration

## Client configuration

cms config:
if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }
#Please fill this all out.

#NOTE: To set up TheHabbos.ORG's API go to wwwroot/mysite/thehabbos_api for IIS, OR, htdocs/thehabbos_api for XAMPP and others.

*    MySQL management

$_CONFIG['mysql']['connection_type'] = 'pconnect'; //Type of connection: It must be connect, or pconnect: if you want a persistent connection.

$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host

$_CONFIG['mysql']['username'] = 'root'; //MySQL username

$_CONFIG['mysql']['password'] = '[password]'; //MySQL password

$_CONFIG['mysql']['database'] = 'hotel'; //MySQL database

$_CONFIG['mysql']['port'] = '3306'; //MySQL's port

*    Hotel management  - All URLs do not end with an "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['server_ip'] = ''; //IP of VPS/DEDI/etc

$_CONFIG['hotel']['url'] = 'http://localhost'; //Does not end with a "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] = 'Habbo'; // Hotel's name

$_CONFIG['hotel']['desc'] = 'Best hotel around!'; //Hotel's description 

$_CONFIG['hotel']['email'] = '[email protected]'; //Where the help queries from users are emailed to.@Priv skin

$_CONFIG['hotel']['in_maint'] = false; //False if hotel is NOT in maintenance. True if hotel IS in maintenance

$_CONFIG['hotel']['motto'] = 'I <3 ' . $_CONFIG['hotel']['name']; //Default motto users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['credits'] = 5000; //Default number of credits users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['pixels'] = 10000; //Default number of pixels users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['figure'] = '-'; //Default figure users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/527'; //Web_Build

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/external_variables.txt'; //URL to your external vars

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/external_flash_texts.txt'; //URL to your external texts

$_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/productdata.txt'; //URL to your productdata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = 'http://localhost/game/gamedata/furnidata.xml'; //URL to your furnidata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['swf_folder'] = 'http://localhost/game/gordon/PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486'; //URL to your SWF folder(does not end with a '/')

*    Templating management - Pick one of our default styles or make yours by following our examples!

#RevCMS has 2 default styles, 'Mango' by dannyy94 and 'Priv' by joopie - Others styles are to come, such as RastaLulz's ProCMS style and Nominal's PhoenixCMS 4.0 style.

$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = 'site'; 

*    Other topsites.. thing

$_CONFIG['thehabbos']['username'] = 'Kryptos';
$_CONFIG['retro_top']['user'] = 'Kryptos'; 

*    Recaptcha management - Fill the information below if you have one, else leave it like that and don't worry, be happy.

$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['priv_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAABSV5px9XZlzvIPaBOGA6rQP2G43';
$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['pub_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAAAQ6kquItHl4JuTBWs-5cSKzh6DD';

*    Social Networking stuff

$_CONFIG['social']['twitter'] = 'TwitterAccount'; //Hotel's Twitter account

$_CONFIG['social']['facebook'] = 'FacebookAccount'; //Hotel's Facebook account


Screenshot of the emu:

If you or anyone here can help me, it would be great!

Check your ports
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

Check your ports

This is getting exciting, so I changed the client port to 30000 and now it loads all the way, shows and goes to the /me page.

Also, when that happens nothing shows up on the emu like "connection from".
Upvote 0
Re: PlusEMU - Habboon Edit - PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486

How come client loads, then when it goes to Hotel view I d/c??? Why
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