Offline Server to Online Server?

Feb 28, 2007
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I cannot get my server online... Please reply what I am missing, here is what I have done so far. By the way my server works fine offline...

1) In my Navicat Database, I went under Realmd and opened the Realmlist and set the IP address to my IP address.

2) In my World of Warcraft folder I set the Realmlist as my IP address as well.

Is that all or did I miss a step... Somebody please reply!!!!!

In your wow folder you should not have to change anything.. its an internal network. By changing the relamd should put you online.. have a friend test it for you if you can.
If anyone is willing to try connecting, the realmlist is and there is an account made named (2.0.6 - 2.0.8 patch):
User : Guest
Pass : Guest
Boxcarracer8792 - Offline Server to Online Server? - RaGEZONE Forums
i use hamachi is very easy
just instal and create a join network
in un SQLyog reallist in address put the ip hamachi give u
then go to u wow folder and in realm put the ip hamachi
tell all u friend that instal hamachi u will give u need to give then the name of u network and password , after they join your network
tell then to put in wow folder realm put u hamachi ip

sry my english
but i try jejeje
I got port forwarding to work... I have a Linksys Router... I have to put in the service ports I wish to open in the "Service Port Range" correct? and then I put the end of my IP address in the Ip Address section... What ports do I need to open... I opened 8085 ~ 8085 ; 3724 ~ 3724 ; 3443 ~ 3443. Is that right?