Okay Guys... Tough But Fun Project.

Hmm, if you are making a card game, I suggest you just take a look at this game for advice: . If you played Final Fantasy 8, you would know what Triple Triad is, this is the online version of it. Pretty sure they are using Php for that. So maybe you could take a look at how it runs or somethin.
I can help with graphics and HTML editing... Don't really need to descirbe what i can do as you already know... Only problem your gona have m8 is finding someone whos good at PHP. My skills at PHP really arnt that high..... I can only create a few basic pages that don't really do much. The only 2 people i can think of that are good at PHP are neo and dragon.... And neo would prolly suggest dragon more... Really thats gona be the big problem with the whole thing.

Still... will see what else i can learn in PHP in the mean time!
Alright i'll be honest i no nothing about programming but i am an expert on the Yu-Gi-Oh cartoon (sad i no), im addicted to it, so if you need any help about cards rules or anything in that direction i can help! just pm me!!
Ill be able to do graphics too.
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I got some skillz with PHP and MySQL and I also have experience making browser games, if u realy need my help, i'll help u out but only if I get somekinda special privileges, like if theres turns per x minutes, i get more turns then regular player, or special cards, or two lvl ups at once if its a rpg ^^

otherways forget it, not waisting time on making a game that gonna last two weeks
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GohanSSJ said:
I got about 250 pokemon cards... damn you!!!

I got about 1000 something DBZ cards, my black deck owned!! :D
I spent over 5k on dragonball z / pokemon / digimon / yugioh and magic.. :(