OMFG a lvl 46 on euro mir

Re: Re: OMFG a lvl 46 on euro mir

speedhorn666 said:
lmao :rofl: sadness


lmfao, bullpit used 2 lv 15 hours a day, theres no way someone went to 46 in the meantime..

and even if it were possible without some sort of cheating it's amazingly amazingly sad :P
BLaCK_DEaTH said:
looks like he dont care either
that or Mir is the only way he can get away from the hordes of depression that surround him coz he's a loser and he knows it:)
You must remember Mirs been out 3 years thats 1095 3/4 days and most people level 10 hours a day ! So thats 10950 hours of leveling to make level 46 !
ngoempire said:
You must remember Mirs been out 3 years thats 1095 3/4 days and most people level 10 hours a day ! So thats 10950 hours of leveling to make level 46 !

that guy hasnt been playing 3 years :tp:
but you are right about the huge amount of time people put into it...

Everyday they wake and turn on their pc instantly laoding up mir, logging onto their favourite char. Endlessly striving to find and kill more mobs a constant stream of xp, constant power lvling day in. day out. Never pausing to eat or excrete they push the boundries forwards then as they reach their goal, triumphant, tired, exhausted.... They get hacked.
have a break have a kitkat.
ngoempire said:
You must remember Mirs been out 3 years thats 1095 3/4 days and most people level 10 hours a day ! So thats 10950 hours of leveling to make level 46 !

euro mir has only been out abt 2 years, korean mir only jst celebrated 3 years and there highest lvl is abt 41

EDIT: he aint really lvl 46, ppl jst takin the piss cos he got 2 lvl 40 so fast
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