
Feb 25, 2003
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omg just watched forrrest gump and dammmmmmmmn its a legend they dont make movies how they used to like movies like Rocky and Braveheart its all special effects now wiv crap story lines, some 1 name some cool old legend movies cos i gonna download them lol
Ok let me think of all the good/Great films i know, aswell as the classics.

Predator 1
Saving private Ryan
Fight Club
One flew over the cuckoos nest
Tango and Cash (tis good ok lol)
Alien 1+2
Obviously as you said Braveheart and Forest Gump - Classic brilliance
Don't be a menace in south central whilst drinking your juice in the hood
clockwork orange
pulp fiction
true romance
resivoir dogs
The Godfather Trilogy
Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Bit obvious but you know lol
Training Day
Lethal weapon movies
beverly hills cop
scary movie 1+2

All i can think of right now lol.
I know it "bridge of the river Kwai"

Forest Gump is one of my favourite movies, erally good and emotional.
Dead Poet Society is another favourite.
I also liked Terminator and Robocop

I cant remember anything else
i think forrest gump is a really gd movie, haven't seen 4 a while tho >.<

My personal fave are Pulp Fiction, Elizabeth, Saving private Ryan and a few others. I tend 2 watch films which have a historial background 2 it like Elizbeth, Pearl harbour, Shakespeare in love etc.