Online lies

The Unbeatable
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Netherlands
10. "I'm in this private room consoling a depressed friend".

9. "You're different...........I've never felt like this about someone I've never met before."

8. "I'm new online and haven't had time to create a profile...............but tell me more
about yourself."

7. "I never do cybersex!! Yet here in this room alone with you, well I'm getting excited"

6. "Yes of course I'm female............"

5. "No this is my only screen name....You mean you can have more then one?"

4. "I'm 5'4, blonde hair, blue eyes and guys love my body!" Male version is "I'm 6'0, great tan,
and buffed from working out"

3. "I'm not like most of the guy's here, I just want to meet so we can just have coffee and
get to know each other" (at the hotel coffee shop)

2. "I don't care what you look like, it's whats on the inside that counts" (Which is true,
except it means "I'm horny and could care less, just type")

1. "Tonight my love...........our souls have touched.
i neva lie on the net :) apart from on ragezone really im a 60 ear old pedo and when ur all drunk at makas party m gunna bum u mwhahahahaha BUM U TILL U BLEED I SAY MWHWHAHAHAHAHAHAH
BLaCK_DEaTH said:
i neva lie on the net :) apart from on ragezone really im a 60 ear old pedo and when ur all drunk at makas party m gunna bum u mwhahahahaha BUM U TILL U BLEED I SAY MWHWHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Does that mean u defo comin tho? :D
only ever lied once online..
and it was on agame, had a female character, and the guys wouldn't leave me alone so i made a male character, and woohoo they all left me alone cause i was a male lol