Online (WAN) IP's

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 28, 2007
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i have some problem with my MaNGOS server Patch 1.12.1
i know its quite noob problem but its kinda bugging me :sweatdrop
i wanted to bring the server to light and open it as public server not only LAN
when i change the (mangosd.conf and realmd.conf files) (localost/realmd/realmList) in mysql to my IP adress the (mangosd.exe/realmd.exe) opens then exit automatically when i run em ! i know there is something wrong cuz when i bring the IPs to the default ( server run smooth
so,i guess there is an IPs problem i worked with the ( ) output,(is it the right IP that i should put in the (mangosd.conf and realmd.conf files) (localost/realmd/realmList)) ??
or its different one ??
and if i changed mangosd.conf and realmd.conf, should i change localost/realmd/realmList to the same IP or should i put another IP there cuz those IPs makes me pretty confused :disgust:
so if any one can help me with this problem
btw my PC IP is 192.168.1.x
my internet IP is (
and is i want to change the server Realm to
different adress what should i do
You don't need to change anything in the mangos.conf or realmd.conf. Since your database is accessed locally, it needs to stay that way. So leave all that to what is was (

All you need to do is open the realmd database and then the realmlist table. There is an ip address column there. By default it is set to

Change that,and only that, to your WAN ip address. That's it, nothing more needs to be edited. But, if you are behind a router or firewall, you need to open ports 8085 and 3724. Good luck.
3724--->was the problem i opened the port and its Working now tnx dude :59:
oh btw if i want to change server Realm to other name (not my WAN IP) what should i do ?:vertag: