Newbie Spellweaver
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Aden Castle
I have a couple of questions that i didn`t find them on forum.If someone answers... give me an exactly answer ... or else don`t reply pls.
1. I need in -oin starter town portals to : Ahm Qiraj , BWL , ARENA - Undercity -GM ISLAND
2.A gm shop ... if there isn`t a gm shop in DB ... how to create one ... explain me pls.
3.When i teleport with .go ........... i fall from sky :)) is map missing ? because ... i use mangos server... everything is good . if i go walking ... the map exissts .. if i teleport i fall frm sky :))

All my respects for those who can help me ... and respects to for those who reads this !!! Thank You
if u want to do 9999999 dmage use .die

I just had to reply to that with a massive LMFAO lol.

Anyways while im replying might as well help you out..

1. I need in -oin starter town portals to : Ahm Qiraj , BWL , ARENA - Undercity -GM ISLAND

Wtf is -oin?

2.A gm shop ... if there isn`t a gm shop in DB ... how to create one ... explain me pls.

Well if you have made the items, just add a new table into the npc_vendor or wateva it is, just look @ the info and you should be able to learn from that.

3.When i teleport with .go ........... i fall from sky :)) is map missing ? because ... i use mangos server... everything is good . if i go walking ... the map exissts .. if i teleport i fall frm sky :))

Simple answer. Wrong Coords.


Umm I think you can make those, just add a new item with different propeties.
.tele is good if u dont wanna use .go

the 3 other things ( portals , shop and weps ) is stuff u need to add to your own DB by hand...
I ment to say in starter town :))) not oin :)) spell mistake ... ok ... no exact answer ...:)) i make weapons ... but portal ... how the f... i make them
.tele .go wont work with mangos.
You need to use .worldport

Also, portals are all ready in the db..
Just use MDH "Mangos Database Handler" to find what your looking for, but if you wish i'll supply a cord listing too..


Teleport :
Alterac Mountains:
.go 0 -74.6376 201.212 53.2755 Lordamere Internment Camp
.go 0 258 351 41.9076 Dalaran Inside the Dome
.go 0 386.938 212.299 43.6994 Dalaran Ruins
.go 0 1239.12 -286.705 42.4764 The Uplands
.go 0 679.813 -965.173 164.598 Strahnbrad
.go 0 522.608 -275.392 150.689 Ruins of Alterac
Arathi Highlands:
.go 0 -2086.88 -2074.57 5.72927 Faldir's Cove
.go 0 -1969.08 -2789.04 81.2105 Boulderfist Hall
.go 0 -1505.51 -3030.52 12.627 Go'Shek Farm
.go 0 -1763.41 -3371.67 40.609 Witherbark Village
.go 0 -950.584 -3533.13 71.8318 Hammerfall
.go 0 -1065.89 -2905.56 42.0958 Dabyrie's Farmstead
.go 0 -1262.79 -2521.75 20.8021 Refuge Pointe
.go 0 -797.235 -2068.95 33.8337 Northfold Manor
.go 0 -863.118 -1784.72 39.6118 Circle of West Binding
.go 0 -839.599 -1590.32 54.1962 Thoradin's Wall
.go 0 -1661.42 -1804.2 83.0723 Stormgarde Keep
.go 0 -1529.75 -2166.7 17.3717 Circle of Inner Binding
.go 0 -1354.4 -2738.07 58.9657 Circle of Outer Binding
.go 0 -842.604 -3270.04 78.3588 Circle of East Binding
.go 0 -6092.32 -3214.55 262.727 Excavatin Site
.go 0 -6411.58 -3409.85 241.537 Hamertoe's Digsite
.go 0 -6247.73 -3776.6 249.06 Camp Cosh
.go 0 -6935.86 -4092.06 285.906 Lethlor Ravine
.go 0 -7033.94 -3669.89 245.91 Camp Boff
.go 0 -7027.81 -3330.11 241.51 Agmond's End
.go 0 -7147.67 -2430.87 240.51 Camp Cagg
.go 0 -6894.29 -2465.82 247.978 Apocryphan's Rest
.go 0 -6675.96 -2188.29 246.152 Kargath Orc Outpost
.go 0 -6380.77 -3139.89 301.111 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
.go 0 -5829.66 -2585.59 311.971 Two Giant Sitting Dwarfs
Blasted Lands:
.go 0 -10859 -2663.38 7.80049 Orc Outpost
.worldport 0 -11272.8 -2547.59 102.02 Altar of Storms
.go 0 -11853.6 -3197.44 -27.2186 Dark Portal
.go 0 -11033 -3095.22 89.8189 Azureload Human Town
Burning Steppes:
.go 0 -7924.68 -2624.44 220.958 Dreadmaul Rock
.go 0 -8066.68 -1621.66 132.982 Giant Orc Statue
.go 0 -7613.13 -761.492 190.807 Altar of Storms
.go 0 -7468 -1082 896 Top of Blackrock Mountain
Darrowmere Lake:
.go 0 1234.83 -2118.49 50.8011 Darrowmere Lake
.go 0 1125.31 -2541.35 78.3562 Caer Darrow The Dark Portal
Dun Morogh:
.go 0 -5475.44 -2425.32 413.455 Dwarf Outpost
.go 0 -5231.95 -2366.98 398.807 Dwarf Outpost
.go 0 -5607.39 -1984.16 396.373 Helm's Bed Lake
.go 0 -5826.35 -1586.57 364.269 Gol'Bolar Quarry
.go 0 -5582.32 -463.982 402 Kharanos
.go 0 -5470.37 -662.312 392.674 Steelgrill's Depot
.go 0 -5353.18 -1043.02 394.772 Misty Pine Refuge
.worldport 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 City of Ironforge
.go 0 -6325.7 294.835 379.791 Coldridge Valley
.go 0 -6110.8 388.517 395.542 Anvilmar
.go 0 -5368.81 319.498 394.123 Brewnall Village
.go 0 -5259.74 107.593 392.567 Iceflow Lake
.worldport 0 -5179.58 660.421 388.391 Gnomeregan
.go 0 -10649.7 -884.01 50.8196 Brightwood Grove
.go 0 -10385 -424.696 63.534 Twilight Grove
.go 0 -11105.4 -500.791 32.8518 Yorgen Farmstead
.go 0 -11069.3 -927.315 63.502 The Rotting Orchard
.go 0 -10993.3 -1331.19 52.7805 Tranquil Gardens Cemetery
.worldport 0 -10567.5 -1169.86 29.0826 Dark Shire
.go 0 -10435.4 -1809.28 98.3851 Deadwind Pass
.worldport 0 -10750.1 323.644 38.0417 Raven Hill
.go 0 -10316.7 342.295 59.6454 Ravenhill Cemetery
.go 0 -10992.6 268.794 27.5101 Addle's Stead
.go 0 -10359.9 -1531.75 91.5352 Beggar's Haunt
.go 0 -11078.9 -2078.53 206.878 Medivh's Tower
Eastern Plaguelands:
.go 0 2433.31 -3782.06 185.472 Ziggaraut
.go 0 2016.11 -4486.36 73.6226 Village
.go 0 2823.83 -3727.76 124.971 Ziggaraut in Mushroom Field
.go 0 3097.32 -3562.77 134.093 Slaughterhouse in Mushroom Field
.go 0 3653.67 -3609.77 137.118 Unknown City
.go 0 3452.83 -4992.61 196.981 Cool Temple
.go 0 2719.29 -5479.3 159.542 Slaughterhouse
.go 0 1612.63 -5524.9 111.148 Tyr's Hand
Elwynn Forest:
.worldport 0 -8913.23 554.633 93.7944 Stormwind City
.go 0 -8951.62 524.373 96.6275 Valley of Heroes
.worldport 0 -8852.03 652.878 96.46 Stormwind Trade District
.go 0 -8675.39 635.774 96.9275 Stormwind Canals
.worldport 0 -8662.9 498.212 100.833 Stormwind Old Town
.go 0 -8635.62 762.727 103.667 Stormwind Cathedral Square
.go 0 -8513.49 861.197 111.039 Stormwind Cathedral of Light
.go 0 -9007.65 870.424 148.618 Stormwind Wizard's Sanctum
.go 0 -8896.36 834.148 99.5207 Stormwind Mage Quarter
.go 0 -9043.76 -41.5906 88.3589 Northshire Valley
.go 0 -9092.38 -368.684 73.6163 Northshire Vineyards
.worldport 0 -9443.45 59.8944 56.0704 Goldshire
.go 0 -9355.84 537.441 52.5171 Mirror Lake
.go 0 -9469.08 467.583 54.0913 Mirror Lake Orchard
.go 0 -9646.46 679.589 37.4136 Forest's Edge
.go 0 -9964.72 391.509 35.6555 The Stonefiled Farm
.go 0 -9881.4 88.8972 33.3196 The Maclure Vineyards
.go 0 -9462.99 -161.312 60.7274 Crystal Lake
.go 0 -9769.82 -811.712 40.9564 Brackwell Pumpkin Patch
.worldport 0 -9549 -1407.04 54.7673 Eastvale Logging Camp
.go 0 -9136.28 -1053.89 70.624 Hero's Vigil
.go 0 -9325.33 -1038.92 65.3535 Stone Cairn Lake
Hillsbrad Foothills:
.go 0 -898.266 -1044.33 30.3478 Nethander Stead
.go 0 -1266.15 -1198.95 40.1765 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
.go 0 -489.832 -1391.35 53.3854 Durnholde Keep
.worldport 0 -821.604 -544.654 15.0387 Southshore Human Harbor Town
.go 0 -1019.67 -359.442 5.13463 Western Strand
.go 0 -1234.91 -943.205 8.62585 Eastern Strand
.go 0 -501.505 91.4121 59.0582 Hillsbrad Fields Human Town
.go 0 -870.601 233.102 9.93092 Unknown Mine
.worldport 0 -28.1484 -899.243 56.0704 Tarren Mill
.go 0 724.846 -3996.11 149.735 Seradene Night Elf Portal and Giant World Tree
.go 0 362.039 -3796.03 153.998 Skulk Rock
.go 0 -69.8514 -4536 7.28923 Overlook Cliffs
.go 0 -678.757 -4018.61 238.351 Jintha'Alor
.go 0 -295.384 -3459.12 194.005 The Altar of Zul
.go 0 -464.208 -2837.23 110.073 Shadra'Alor
.go 0 266.941 -2751.41 122.544 Quel'Danil Night Elf Lodge
.go 0 -35.7245 -2479.51 120.423 Zun'Watha
.go 0 327.814 -1959.99 197.724 Aerie Peak
Loch Modan:
.worldport 0 -5335.61 -2982.58 332.669 Thelsamar
.go 0 -5201.86 -3136.59 298.761 The Loch Lake
.go 0 -4939.1 -3423.74 305.595 Wreck from Battle
.go 0 -4871.78 -4025.77 313.141 Mo'Grosh Stronghold
.go 0 -5675.42 -4244.87 407.002 Purple Night Elf Building
.go 0 -5755.53 -3998.42 330.436 Ironband's Excavation Site
.go 0 -4771.99 -3329.01 345.504 Stonewrough Dam
.go 0 -4231.86 -2361.37 204.069 Dun Algaz
.go 0 -12380.3 3400.92 48.865 Island of Doctor Lapidis
.go 0 -13693.5 2806.3 56.6918 Gilijim's Isle
.go 0 -2200.52 -1685.18 -34.4569 The Drowned Reef
Red Ridge Mountains:
.go 0 -9319 -1937.94 58.0698 Lake Everstill
.worldport 0 -9282.98 -2269.64 69.39 Lakeshire
.go 0 -9168.66 -2726.31 90.0426 Alther's Mill
.go 0 -9385.46 -3039.27 139.437 Stonewatch
.go 0 -8687.39 -2330.38 155.916 Orc Outpost
Searing Gorge:
.go 0 -6892.24 -1342.38 239.913 The Cauldron
.go 0 -7317.34 -1072.33 277.069 Blackrock Mountain
.go 0 -6986.92 -1705.54 241.667 Grimeslit Dig Site
Silverpine Forest:
.go 0 -126.954 815.624 66.0224 Ambermill
.go 0 -416.466 1543.87 17.5941 Pyrewood Village
.go 0 -202.557 1666.88 79.7641 Shadowfang Keep
.go 0 -577.865 1807.08 8.2492 South Tide's Run
.go 0 -757.376 1527.28 17.2465 The Greymane Wall
.go 0 -987.449 1585.69 53.4298 Behind The Greymane Wall Unfinished Location
.go 0 374.222 1083.9 106.509 Mine
.go 0 507.784 1611.33 124.921 The Sepulcher
.go 0 134.209 1496.64 114.394 Olsen's Farthing
.go 0 675.698 974.873 34.8849 The Decrepit Fairy
.go 0 762.653 909.072 31.2142 Lordamere Lake
.go 0 731.866 727.793 37.0975 Fenris Isle
.go 0 960.45 689.611 59.7365 Fenris Isle Fortress Ruins
.go 0 982.34 201.239 34.9509 The Dawning Isles
.go 0 1414.28 1073.22 52.4649 Malden's Orchard
.go 0 1285.69 1242.33 52.6914 The Ivar Patch
.go 0 964.877 1238.75 48.0979 Valgan's Field
.go 0 1035.91 1540.85 30.525 The Dead Field
.go 0 1293.65 1957.71 19.5619 The Skittering Dark
.go 0 873.391 1852.5 5.0548 North Tide's Run
Strangelthon Vale:
.go 0 -14692.4 506.162 1.78241 Wild Shore
.go 0 -14740.7 -432.482 4.00624 Jaguero Isle (Statue of Liberty)
.go 0 -14406.6 419.353 22.3907 Booty Bay
.go 0 -14178.2 712.03 29.1868 Janeiro's Point
.go 0 -13274.4 769.951 2.45505 The Savage Coast
.go 0 -13382.6 2.10815 21.8683 Ruins of Jubuwal
.worldport 0 -13152.9 342.729 52.1328 Arena
.go 0 -12352.8 211.452 4.5846 Grom'Gol Base Camp
.go 0 -11977.4 332.254 3.20626 Bal'lal Ruins
.go 0 -12258.9 621.105 -68.3247 The Vile Reef
.go 0 -11683.1 925.209 3.64735 Zuuldaia Ruins
.worldport 0 -11693.9 702.532 49.9689 Ruins of Zul'Kunda
.go 0 -11586.5 -657.662 32.9941 Kurzen's Compound
.worldport 0 -11845 -1199.29 77.2075 Unfinished Temple
.go 0 -11712.7 -1758.67 22.4509 Random Bay Ruins
.go 0 -11988 -1484.99 78.9735 Floating Bridge
.go 0 -13010.2 -1617.82 146.263 Unfinished Hills
.go 0 -11311.5 -195.19 76.3198 Rebel Camp
Swamp of Sorrows:
.go 0 -10103.4 -2431.61 28.4491 Misty Valley
.go 0 -10452.5 -3263.59 20.1782 Stonard Orc Outpost
.go 0 -9980.38 -3568.28 22.0569 Fallow Sanctuary Murloc Outpost
.go 0 -10022.2 -4266.67 7.26064 Mistyreed Strand
.go 0 -10303.5 -3972.28 20.2882 Pool of Tears
.go 0 -10349.1 -3849.67 -25.6078 Sunken Temple
Trisfal Glades:
.go 0 1871.14 1587.91 91.2143 Deathknell
.go 0 2268.03 1333.63 34.7835 Solliden Farmstead
.go 0 2538.92 1407.01 5.69061 Whispering Shore
.go 0 2803.27 847.119 111.841 Agamand Mills
.go 0 2861.67 398.526 21.1504 Garren's Haunt
.go 0 2955.79 99.8215 3.32947 The North Coast
.go 0 2685.13 -198.851 31.4095 Brightwater Lake
.go 0 2563.98 -51.7975 31.7441 Gunther's Retreat
.worldport 0 2260.64 289.021 34.1291 Brill Forsaken Village
.go 0 2146.99 658.485 33.59 Cold Hearth Manor
.go 0 1832.44 236.426 60.4171 Ruins of Lordaeron
.go 0 1628.3 239.925 64.5006 The Throne Room
.go 0 1586.48 239.562 -52.149 The Undercity Trade Quarter
.go 0 1614.68 643.289 37.0547 The Undercity Caves
.go 0 1658.95 303.76 -42.6923 The Undercity War Quarter
.go 0 1786.82 47.9279 -29.1457 The Undercity Magic Quarter
.go 0 1466.11 49.6445 -62.2932 The Undercity Rogue's Quarter
.go 0 1410.31 430.512 -80.3588 The Undercity The Apothecarium
.go 0 2032.01 -432.954 35.4329 Balnir Farmstead
.go 0 2795.02 -753.797 138.036 Whispering Gardens
.go 0 2922.59 -740.071 153.983 Terrace of Repose
.go 0 2853.92 -718.217 148.381 Unfinished Mansion
.go 0 3040.8 -552.374 122.216 Scarlet Watch Post
.go 0 1716.02 -788.217 56.844 The Bulwark
Western Plaguelands:
.go 0 1386.47 -1518.8 72.4034 Ruins of Anderhol
.go 0 1064.09 -1718.04 61.1348 Sorrow Hill
.go 0 981.477 -1821.84 80.4872 Paladin Statue
.go 0 1738.52 -2319.93 59.5751 Gahrron's Withering
.go 0 1487.77 -1884.87 59.2039 The Writhing Haunt
.go 0 1835.04 -1568.1 59.1818 Dalson's Tears
.go 0 1782.26 -1211.93 59.4057 Felstone Field
.go 0 2423.42 -1646.44 60.5098 Northridge Lumber Camp
.go 0 2918.72 -1439.39 150.782 Hearthglenn
.worldport 0 -10510 1046.89 60.518 Sentinel Hill
.worldport 0 -11018.4 1513.69 43.0152 Moonbrook Westfall
.go 0 -10644.8 1681.3 42.0338 Alexston Farmsted
.go 0 -10513.9 2075.23 12.1819 Longshore
.go 0 -10171.8 1195.41 36.4345 Saldean's Farm
.go 0 -11399.2 1947.85 10.1451 Westfall Lighthouse
.go 0 -9903.53 1245.26 42.0563 Furlbrow's Pumpkin Patch
.go 0 -4053.99 -3450.62 283.383 Unknown Big Dwarf City
.go 0 -3465.16 -3727.56 64.5778 Big Broken Gates
.go 0 -3256.88 -2718.36 9.41205 Weird Flowers
.go 0 -2849.21 -2220.06 31.3835 Ironbead's Tomb
.go 0 -2955 -1022.21 10.0919 Baradin Bay
.worldport 0 -3754.19 -1087.3 -1.71875 Menethil Bay
.go 0 -3740.29 -755.08 10.9643 Menethil Harbor
.go 0 -2605.21 -2341.09 83.3551 Dun Modr
.go 0 -2336.47 -2509.82 85.2212 Thandol Span
.go 0 -3522.96 -1848.58 25.1502 Whelgar's Excavation Site
.go 1 2867.03 -2595.67 219.911 Xavian
.go 1 2745.85 -378.33 108.253 Astrnaar
.go 1 3155 -3702 121 Night Elf Portal
.go 1 4577.61 419.307 33.7161 Master's Glaive
.go 1 2439.16 -3500.08 98.5954 Kargathia Orc Outpost
.go 1 2757.59 -2967.58 143.882 Satyrnaar
.go 1 2454.38 -2943.27 124 Moonwell
.go 1 2114.86 -2998.32 111.396 Felfire Hill
.go 1 1626.91 -3057.36 89.4942 Demon Fall Canyon
.go 1 1775.1 -2679.19 111.666 The Dor'danil Barrow Den
.go 1 1669.74 -1714.14 97.9564 Falfarren River
.go 1 2673.51 -1859.72 188.112 Raynewood Retreat
.go 1 3466.36 -6656.29 -58.5217 Underwater Dark Portal
.go 1 3546.8 -5287.96 109.935 Aszhara Naga City
.go 1 -1719.08 -3824.99 12.0836 Barrens Merchant Coast
.go 1 -3120.86 -2327.89 93.1243 Barrens Field of Giants
.go 1 -4095.7 -2305.74 124.914 Bael Modan
.go 1 -4319.38 -2110.38 80.8662 Barrens Gnoll Outpost Inside a Giant Beast
.go 1 -4619.15 -1850.91 86.0563 Barrens The Great Lift
.go 1 -2388.95 -1918.82 96.7422 Camp Taurajo
.go 1 -964.776 -2039.74 81.3491 Lushwater Oasis
.go 1 -1330.17 -3120.07 91.6667 The Stagnant Oasis
.worldport 1 -943.935 -3715.49 11.8385 Ratchet Troll Port Outpost
.go 1 -456.263 -2652.7 95.615 The Crossroads
.go 1 110.197 -1891.39 93.5444 The Forgotten Pools
.go 1 1059.54 -3003.53 91.6441 The Sludge Fen
Dark Shore:
.go 1 4995.94 82.9197 54.3857 Grove of The Ancients
.go 1 5028.14 534.745 7.28397 The Long Wash
.worldport 1 6439.28 614.957 5.98831 Auberdine
.go 1 6735.43 6.71422 42.7028 Bashal'Aran
.go 1 6931.74 -569.077 44.8192 Cliffspring River
.go 1 7177.46 -761.607 59.6101 Tower of Althalaxx
.go 1 7373.38 -938.331 32.6196 Ruins of Mathystra
.go 1 7742.92 -769.867 5.22102 Mist's Edge
.go 1 -439.192 1708.22 125.856 Thunder Axe Fortress
.go 1 -242.347 764.848 98.7113 Sargeron
.go 1 -939.787 1091.4 93.8119 Kolkar Village
.go 1 -1754.33 967.89 92.5626 Magram Village
.go 1 -1879.28 1745.49 78.8892 Mannoroc Coven
.go 1 -2222.47 2522.4 68.4424 Gelkis Village
.go 1 -1482.87 2855.86 112.854 Valley of Spears
.go 1 -592.792 2592.84 15.467 Sar'Theris Strand
.go 1 -1305.19 1837.56 55.731 Kodo Graveyard
.go 1 -1156.34 1894.49 86.2854 Ghost Walker Post
.go 1 6200 -1035 387 Three Frozen Ancients
.go 1 3652.24 928.308 7.01517 Zoram's Stand
.go 1 -4358.88 3241 12.3636 Feralas Island Night Elf City
.go 1 -2871.76 1885.29 52.6501 Feralas
.go 1 -2858.35 2611.48 58.3777 Feralas Ruins
.go 1 -4522.22 2038.54 50.1436 Feralas Coast
.go 1 -5566.04 1449.82 20.1135 Big Feralas Ruins
.go 1 -4369.68 242.294 25.4133 Tauren Village
.go 1 -4517.1 -780.415 -40.736 Thalanaar
.go 1 -1124.19 -5535.02 8.62076 Echo Isles
.go 1 -636.469 -4243.52 38.1339 Valley of Trials Bindpoint
.go 1 -844.586 -4924.29 20.8708 Sen'Jin Village
.go 1 -1028.63 -4599.8 25.5756 Kolkar Crag
.go 1 -250.245 -5070.41 22.5875 Tiragarde Keep
.go 1 242.548 -5151.46 1.60441 Scuttle Coast
.go 1 304.762 -4734.97 9.30458 Razorhill
.go 1 114.769 -3758.95 17.8907 Southfury River
.go 1 925.127 -4038.29 -13.338 Thunder Ridge
.go 1 1484.36 -4417.03 24.4709 Orgimmar
.go 1 1525.73 -4968.13 17.1397 Bladefist Bay
.go 1 918.715 -5115.69 2.85835 Deadeye Shore
Dustwallow Marsh:
.go 1 -3719.26 -2530.63 69.58 Shady Rest Inn
.go 1 -3922.24 -2839.21 44.6212 Lost Point
.go 1 -4336.82 -3018.67 33.1744 The Den of Flame
.go 1 -4197.56 -2873.76 44.6771 The Dragonmurk
.go 1 -4354.46 -3275.34 46.0475 Stonemaul Ruins
.go 1 -4006.19 -3777.83 40.6804 Beezil's Zepellins Wreck
.go 1 -3129.38 -2864.51 34.8711 Brackenwall Orc Village
.go 1 -2855.96 -3422.66 36.7473 North Point Tower
.go 1 -3459.39 -4130.3 16.3786 Sentry Point
.go 1 -3012.72 -4345.51 6.83608 Dreadmurk Shore
.go 1 -2321.74 -378.941 -9.40597 Bloodhoof Tauren Village
.go 1 -2905.3 -253.768 56.0612 Tauren Camp Narache
.go 1 -2933.37 -963.993 58.2343 Brambleblade Ravine
.go 1 -2928.26 -46.1054 188.892 Red Cloud Mesa
.go 1 -1897.98 400.675 134.787 Bael'Dun Digside
.go 1 -758.744 -149.474 -27.712 Wildmane Water Well
.go 1 -1008.68 -1115.72 46.046 Red Rocks
.go 1 -1915.66 -1107.44 87.572 Mulgore Mine
Shimmering Flats:
.go 1 -6495.56 -3472.69 -58.7786 The Rustmaul Dig Site
.go 1 -6202.16 -3901.68 -60.2858 The Racetrack
South Kalimdor:
.go 1 -6942.47 -4847.1 0.667853 Tanaris
.go 1 -7434.56 -1983.21 -270.149 Ungoro Crater
.go 1 -7866.75 -630.03 -260.563 Terror Run
.go 1 -8185.09 1528.22 2.98973 Floating Crystal Gates
.go 1 -9678.11 1530.11 43.025 Unkown City
.go 1 -7245.6 1678.94 -65.9066 Nerubian Pits
Stonetalon Mountains:
.go 1 -239.089 -809.973 8.78944 Stonetalon Mountains
.go 1 -87.9634 -565.775 -12.1339 Greatwood Vale
.go 1 -191.661 -301.87 12.2698 Sunrock Retreat
.go 1 1160.25 51.3229 1.072 Windshear Crag
.go 1 1618.33 161.796 133.084 Cragpool Lake
.go 1 2506.3 1470.14 262.722 Stonetalon Peak
.go 1 821.99 1599.07 -21.1896 Charred Vale
Thousand Needles:
.go 1 -5437.4 -2437.47 89.3083 Freewood Post
.go 1 -5467.33 -1633.45 29.4245 The Screeching Canyon
.go 1 -5000.46 -940.209 -5.58816 Highperch
.worldport 1 9892.57 982.424 1313.83 Dolanaar
.go 1 9477.19 1005.74 1249.01 Lake Al'Ameth
.go 1 9114.65 1846.06 1327.5 Gnarlpine Hold
.go 1 9561.33 1743 1291.91 Pools of Arilthrien
.worldport 1 9948.55 2413.59 1327.23 Darnassus
.go 1 10699.8 738.73 1325.881 Shadowglen
.go 1 10455.7 798.455 1346.75 Aldrassil
Theramore Isle:
.worldport 1 -3688.18 -4760.14 0.909682 Theramore Isle Lighthouse
.go 1 -3729.36 -4421.41 30.4474 - Theramore Isle City
Secret/Hard to get to Locations:
.go 1 -12352.9 3055.12 15.6725 Developer's Playground
.go 1 -10082.2 -5656.43 6.24787 Goblin Obeservatory
.go 1 -11700.4 2282.02 -11.8416 Underwater Developer's Playground
.go 1 10389 -1886.06 183.379 Desert Outpost with a Waterfall
.go 1 7503.31 -4388.79 725.559 Winterspring Ice World
.go 1 4674.88 -3638.37 965.264 Hyjal
.go 1 5300.18 -2292.83 944.186 Hyjal Plains Unifinished Location
.go 1 4491.35 -3201.77 1026.57 Hyjal Cool Ancient Statue
.go 0 5333.04 -4795.84 0 Weird Flat Lands Place (Quel'Thalas?)
.go 0 3602.47 -1142.69 1.03249e-007 Mountains in Flat Lands (Quel'Thalas?)
.go 0 -9549.58 -4939.88 174.657 Cool Piece of Land

Change any .go to .worldport
I've already changed some to worldport "The ones I have used".

And ass for the custom weapons, I can also supply Tier vendors 1/2/3.
But most of the good stuff is already in your database "If your using SDB, silvers database". But for complete custom weapons/Armor, use mdh to make them.

Tip: Clone say sword of ID **** "Copy all stats and model information.
Then make new weapon, use models and information you took from the sword already in the game, and simply change stats to suit what you wish.

Remember to give it a new ID "one thats not already in use" then name it if you wish...

Tip: type .start to teleport to the starting location for each class/race.
And how am i suposse to add tie vendor 1/2/3/ explain me ... i ask all of you because its first time i made a wow server... with succcess and no errors. .. and now i want to make it like ggWOW server ... tier 1/2/3 shops in ogrimar ... and in every starter town ... portal to ogrimmar thats it ... who can tell me how i realise that ... i know ... all of you will say ... "look at this noob .." yeah man ... im a noob in wow servers ... but i can learn :)):scratch:
Yeah ... but i want to know how to make portallls ... .need a concrete answer ... not ... "i guess that ... or ... maybe ..." exact answer ... do that ... go there modify that ... answeeeeeeeeeeeer pls :( everything is perfect except this"
thats all need ... from starter towns to : ogrimmar ... arena .... Ahm Quijar ... BWL //// THATS IT DUDES :)) There is gotta be someone here who knows that
Seems not :( no one gaved us a exact annswer only .. crap .... we need a pro gm here who can tell us exact: man go there open that put it there and voilla ... we still waitin ...:bad: :bad:
It's really easy to do this... All you need to do is look at the bloody database, and you'll be able to see how it is down... Geez, you should relly try to do something on your own for a change, coz most of us are way too busy to be constantly helping... Not saying we won't help, but we're not going to if it can easily be down by the person themselves...
i know u all r busy u ur own things. but im new in this server thing and if i have at least the time u have here.. will be easy to put a concret answer ....

thx 4 the little help..

and excuse my english


i look in the DB and see the npc_vendor... and shows this

item / count / maxcount / incrtime

ill try whit this ...

see ya