OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator

I have a problem here, the game worked fine yesterday, but now I'm getting error code: -2147287038 (Unknown error 0x80030002) when I try to open the game. I tried running it as admin and redownloading the client and its files, but I'm still getting this.
Are there any GM commands or something?

Glad you figured it out. As per our documentation, we require JDK 11 or higher. In regards to commands, yes there are commands. You can simply type !help or help and it will display all of the available commands for your rank. If you'd like to look at them directly, here is GMCommands: (game.user.command will contain all of our commands and handling for them if you need to look at it).

I have a problem here, the game worked fine yesterday, but now I'm getting error code: -2147287038 (Unknown error 0x80030002) when I try to open the game. I tried running it as admin and redownloading the client and its files, but I'm still getting this.

I'm not exactly sure why you're getting this error. From my time messing around with Nexon's WZ libraries, I can tell you right off the bat that 0x80030002 is a COM error code that corresponds to E_FILENOTFOUND. This usually happened when you DC from a item or object that does not exist in your WZ, or if you were missing a file for some unknown reason. For all I know it could be your application path/drive. I always stored my client in C:/Nexon/OrionAlpha, but launching it from a remote disk drive might cause an error because the system files couldn't be found.
Damn. Do you have any suggestions what can I try to do?
Lots of code looks fairly similar to Moople Rev 121. Like suspiciously similar. I get this is a BMS clone but I'm fairly sure you referenced Moople as well. No?
Lots of code looks fairly similar to Moople Rev 121. Like suspiciously similar. I get this is a BMS clone but I'm fairly sure you referenced Moople as well. No?

Nope, not at all. I don't even have Moople Rev 121 to compare whether or not that's true. This code came from Orion which is written in hungarian notation, and I had to heavily refactor everything down to Java standard because Arnah won't work with those conventions. Other than that, this is directly from BMS and any other unknowns or enumerations came from client PDBs. However, Kevin was a huge help back when I first started! He's the one who helped explain to me Nexon's stuff like Field Splits and what not, along with IDA tricks that have since been extremely useful to know.
- This client has no Nexon intro yet, only the original Wizet animation.

I want to correct this small mistake. KMS always had (from the public clients we have) the Nexon logo inside the client because KMS was always (I think?) published by Nexon already. It was the early GMS clients that only had a Wizet animation, but even the GMS clients already had the Nexon logo inside the .wz files, but disabled. This is because when GMS came to be it was actually run/ developed by Wizet, wherein KMS was already published by Nexon but developed by Wizet.

UIUN2mn - OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums
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I want to correct this small mistake. KMS always had (from the public clients we have) the Nexon logo inside the client because KMS was always (I think?) published by Nexon already. It was the early GMS clients that only had a Wizet animation, but even the GMS clients already had the Nexon logo inside the .wz files, but disabled. This is because when GMS came to be it was actually run/ developed by Wizet, wherein KMS was already published by Nexon but developed by Wizet.

UIUN2mn - OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

Oh you're right, thanks for the tip -- I've updated the thread. I guess since the way I load my client, the only logo I ever saw was Wizet. Interesting how GMS clients don't have it considering that would have been years after KMS though. However, I thought that in these early stages of the game it was yet to be published by Nexon, and just maintained by Wizet.. Was Nexon publishing this game since the start then?
Hi, could you help me with a compilation error? Not missing any dependencies afaik as I did the Maven thing :)

The errors I get is in the getItemSlot method in the ItemInfo class: "int cannot be dereferenced".

Here's the log:
Hi, could you help me with a compilation error? Not missing any dependencies afaik as I did the Maven thing :)

The errors I get is in the getItemSlot method in the ItemInfo class: "int cannot be dereferenced".

Here's the log:

That was a mistake on my part after a refactor, my bad! Go ahead and pull the latest commit from git and that problem will resolve itself.
Hey, I think I might've figured out why I was getting the error when I'm trying to open the game.

I happened to look in Netbeans and I found this:

Eric - OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

Still not 100% sure if that's actually what's causing the problem, but I figured I should ask you about this.
Hey, I think I might've figured out why I was getting the error when I'm trying to open the game.

I happened to look in Netbeans and I found this:

Eric - OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

Still not 100% sure if that's actually what's causing the problem, but I figured I should ask you about this.

Nah, you just need to pull from git. This was the same problem reported above. You won’t be able to compile until you pull my fix for it in the latest commit. However, this has nothing to do with your client throwing unknown errors (unless you are trying to connect without even running the server?)

Nah, you just need to pull from git. This was the same problem reported above. You won’t be able to compile until you pull my fix for it in the latest commit. However, this has nothing to do with your client throwing unknown errors (unless you are trying to connect without even running the server?)

I assume by "Pulling" you mean redownloading the ZIP, because if so then it doesn't work for me
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it says there's a command I can use to "pull" from the git, but I don't understand how or where to write it in.

Install git in your computer:

Then, using the git bash or terminal, clone the repository:

git clone

By doing this, you've cloned the repository into your local machine. If Eric update it and you need to pull the changes, you just have to go to the repository folder and type:

git pull

That's basically it.
Install git in your computer:

Then, using the git bash or terminal, clone the repository:

git clone

By doing this, you've cloned the repository into your local machine. If Eric update it and you need to pull the changes, you just have to go to the repository folder and type:

git pull

That's basically it.
I'm getting ​fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
I can only boot the login and shop servers if I disable loading ItemInfo, otherwise I get an out of memory error. The world server boot can call it fine without crashing though o:

I can still get in-game without loading the items

bGSBiEn - OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums