OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator

I'm trying to reinstall orionalpha because my old version was broken, but now I'm at the stage when I need to package the files in intellij, but I'm getting this error:
Eric - OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

I have it set to jdk 1.8.0_111

EDIT: Solved. you need to change jdk.version in pom.xml from 11 to 1.8
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If you're getting OutOfMemory errors, try increasing their Xmx allocation in the batch files.

This is a Maven project, it does not include jars. You compile it yourself and it will generate the necessary jar files in the target folder.

Does this client launch on updated Windows 10?

Yes. This has been tested and working on Windows 7, 8, 10, and Linux (Arch).

Make sure to read our requirements on the git README. It specifically states that OrionAlpha requires JDK 11 or higher. Thus, compiling it on JDK 8 will not work.
also for some reason, mobs don't seem to drop anything for me.
errorlog - OrionAlpha - A Nexon-like KMS 1.21/1.23 and JMS 0.20 Emulator - RaGEZONE Forums

could you help me?my login console displays this logs but i have no idea how can i handle it
I can't seem to work out how to recharge stars in this server, is there something I'm missing?

I've tried recharging at weapon stores, armor stores and general stores. I've tried multiple different stars and I've made sure they are well below the max per slot amount. When I sell Subi to an NPC, I DC ? ( not sure if related )
I can't seem to work out how to recharge stars in this server, is there something I'm missing?

I've tried recharging at weapon stores, armor stores and general stores. I've tried multiple different stars and I've made sure they are well below the max per slot amount. When I sell Subi to an NPC, I DC ? ( not sure if related )

Also tried some other somewhat hacky ways that others have used to fix recharging stars: Change the unitPrice of stars to 1.0 in the WZ files.

But this also doesn't work, Im truly stumped on this problem at this point :(
Me too. From the looks of it, it's pretty much the same client though, isn't it? I just know earlier builds used F1~F4(?) keys, didn't have a Cash Shop yet, and portal mechanics were barely there. Not too sure about the differences myself, you've definitely researched it more than I have.

It's just like any other Java project. I'm not sure if other public sources utilize Maven or not yet? Basically you just load the project now, instead of having to add other JAR dependencies into the project manually.

1. Install an IDE (IntelliJ is preferred)
2. In your IDE, File->Open Project, and open OrionAlpha. Your IDE will scan and index the source files as well as the maven repos for dependencies.
3. On the right hand side (assuming you use IntelliJ) is a "Maven Projects" button. Expand OrionAlpha -> Lifecycle -> Package.
4. Once you've packaged the files to the target directory, you're all set in regards to the backend.
5. Install MySQL (use a client -- I use MySQL Query Browser, you can use HeidiSQL or Navicat, whatever you'd like)
6. If you have MySQL installed, File->Open Script, and find the SQL file located in OrionAlpha/sql/ named OrionAlpha.sql
7. Execute the file, it will create a schema called 'orionalpha'. This is your database for the server, and it's all set.
8. Now, setup your configuration (reference the git). If you want custom rates or something, go for it. Otherwise, skip this step.
9. Launch the server! (run .bat files) I will need to update the git doc to include this, but the launch order is as follows: Login => Game => Shop.
10. Voila! Your server is all setup. You can customize the client too if you'd like.

Oh, and in regards to accounts.. The default SQL includes our accounts, feel free to just add your own. In MySQL create a new column, name your account whatever you'd like, copy our password, and make your grade code 2. Our password is the default "admin" password used everywhere else.

i'm sorry i failed you zygod :((

Yeah I did python scripts all for you fam, I even referenced your release for it. Right now I have some issue with Jython where apparently they use some deprecated reflection or something? No clue, something with streams in their dependency. I noticed you use the old revision on your post, not the new 2.7 one, maybe I should use that one instead lmao
In step 2, do I need to open the folder or exe file?
Thank you so much for keeping an eye out for old clients. It's so interesting to see the early development of games, especially when it's our nostalgic childhood game! I think I saw GMS's beta v.040 somewhere too but I hope one day we can find one even earlier. I used to have one on my old computer but it was wiped