[OsRose] GM Commands

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Mar 28, 2006
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The old topic was really out of date, all the stickied topics in the section are going to be edited due to the reasons that they are old and new ones need to be put up that are more accurate. The olds topic will not be deleted so that you may view them.

This is not a help thread for your server.

GM Commands for Rose Online as of REV 27. If I am missing any command, please let me know and I will update it.

/tele [map] [x] [y] - teleport
/b - broadcast
/save - save character data
/reload - reload config.ini
/ann [msg] - announcement
/SSPAWN [monid] [min] [max] - startspawn
/SET - setspawnlocation
/ESPAWN [monid] [aggressive] - endspawn
/DSPAWN [id] [monid] [min] [max] [respawn time] [aggressive]- dupespawn
/DELETESPAWN [id] - delete spawn by id
/pak - read packet.txt and send it
/pak2 - read packet2.txt and send it
/level [lvl] - change lvl
/class [id] - change your class, must relog after
/info - show info
/cfmode - /cfmode 0 = clan wars off, /cfmode 1= clan wars on
/pdmg - [damage rate] example 200 thats 2x the normal damage
/mdmg - [damage rate] example 200 thats 2x the normal monster
/exp [amt] - give yourself exp
/mon [monid] [count] - spawn monsters
/kick [charname] - kick player from game
/job [jobname] - finish first job quest
/set [id] [refine] - set full armor to [id] with [refine]
/cha [slotname] [id] [stats] - cha slot to [id] with [stats]
/item [id] [type] [amt] [ref] [socket] [stats] - get item
/levelup - go to next level
/drop [type] [id] - drop an item
/givezuly [charname] [amt] - give someone zuly
/npc [id] - spawn an npc
/givefairy [charname] [flag] - give/remove fairy (1/0)
/move [charname] [map] [x] [y] - tele someone
/goto [charname] - goto someone
/teletome [charname] - bring someone here
/playerinfo [charname] - get player infor
/give2 [charname] [id] [type] [amt] - give someone item(s)
/ban [charname] - ban a player
/ani [id] - do animation
/summon [monid] - summon monstor (to help you)
/reloadquest - reload quest info
/shutdown [minutes] - shutdown server in x minutes
/dquest - debug quests
/iquest [id] <amt> - get items for quest (i think)
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Re: [Updated] GM Commands

This one needs update
/item [id] [type] [amt] - get item
Must be
/item [id] [type] [amt] [ref] [socket] [stats] - get item
Re: [Updated] GM Commands

Updated item command. Forgot to do that, thanks Kenny.
Re: [Updated] GM Commands

did u delted my post?? wtf
well anyway when will u relase REV 27??

I deleted your post because this isn't a help or a question thread. You can ask that in a topic or in the Mega guide. Please read the top of the topic.
Re: [Updated] GM Commands

Ask all the questions in the [Mega guide] F.A.Q. Thread

Akai, Add the /heal command
It just heals you and your MP
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Re: [Updated] GM Commands

Hey akai, do you know any of the item codes for the level 160 armors like the [id] and [type] Thank you btw nice list
Re: [Updated] GM Commands

/zuly [1=add 2=rem. 3=drop 4=set] [amt] - Gives u amount of zuly
/stat [Stat] [amt] - Gives stats
/mspeed [amt] - changes Mainspeed
/killinrange [amt] - kill
Re: [Updated] GM Commands

Anyone have the list of what numbers = which stats

so like /item id type amt refine sock stats(lets say 145 is 7/7)
Re: [Updated] GM Commands

Anyone have the list of what numbers = which stats

so like /item id type amt refine sock stats(lets say 145 is 7/7)

stats id only have 1-80 max (id=80 [+10cri , +5sen])
I'm sorry. There's no 7/7 , 6/5 , 2/15 , which is weird.
I didn't record it all out cause I was looking for 7/7 and others good stats.
The best is only +10cri, +5sen.
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